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How to get followers?


How to get followers?

So after being a spotify member for a year or so, and the option to follow users, artists, bands was added I was wondering if there is a way to gain more followers, it's easy for me to follow my friends and my favourite artists but not so easy to get followers. Anyone who know's any ways to gain followers please comment in this forum, thankyou.




Hey folks! We know the question of 'How do I get more followers?" is a popular one here in the Community. 


That's why we've published this post explaining our top tips for gaining followers on both your profile and playlists. 

If you've got any other great tips for users please post them in this thread, thanks!


follow me on spotify
give me a chat would love to hear what you guys listen to and any recommendations for something new being a new song or artist.
268 Replies

Can you Follow Me in general here. And yes i will

@Jbass wrote:

Can you Follow Me in general here. And yes i will

Just followed you. Can I put links to my music pages in my signature? If so, what kind of coding is needed? I imagine it would get annoying for me to keep putting my spotify url out there lol I will follow anyone who follows me if you let me know.

Follow 4 Follow! 🙂 Write to me when you have 🙂
SWEDISH PORNO MUSIC PLAYLIST (Its awesome!!) Follow 4 Follow, send me a message after u followed me 🙂

hey guys, follow me and my spread the word about my playlist i promise it's really good!! and ill follow back 1176873163 Just Chillin'

If you guys are looking to get more followers is a great place to post playlists. They've got over 126,000 followers on Spotify and if you're lucky enough to be featured it's great exposure. I've been on there for about a year and now have around 2000 followers on Spotify. There are 3 key elements to being successful: theme, content and playlist artwork. If you get those 3 right you won't go far wrong. Check out my profile for some ideas. Cheers

Yeah sure I'll follow for follow. Always looking for new music



Hey guys. This follow for a follow thing is pretty lame in my opinion. If you really want to increase your following you need to work hard at it in terms of putting regular playlists together and adding them to the websites I have suggested. Otherwise there really is no point in trying to achieve it!

oh my's like you described my problem


i want to follow all you guys, but I'm not seeing any option to follow a list or a user. How do I fix this?

Follow if interested in the music...I update music weekly. I'll also follow back.

Yo 08dogee follow me like you said I'm following you!

Mspaint you have an awesome taste in music. You should definitely follow me as I have you!

It'll appear as Jordan Haywood or Idioteque420

Everybody follow me. Here's just one of my playlists.

I'd rather you actually follow follow me but just the playlist will suffice.

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