Help Wizard

Step 1


Share your music with the Community


Share your music with the Community

Many of the active users both in Spotify and in the Community are creating their own music. If you'd like to share your band with the group please post here. 


Please note though that if you would like to promote your own music we ask that under 10% of your posts in the Community be about your own work. You have to be a regular poster within the boards to gain the ability to promote your own music.


Once you've become a contributor in the boards feel free to share websites, Spotify Play Buttons, etc. Thanks folks.



361 Replies

Hello Everyone...

I am looking for help with this song. I just found out about this playlist syste spotify offers so I would love to get people to listen to my (Itty Bitty **bleep** **bleep**) Single/song, If you ike it... Please add it to your playlists and share with friends and please follow me as well. 

The song is a Mixture of Hip Hop, R&B and Pop. The song is about giving women confidence with their bodies and the courage to dance and shake their **bleep**.

Thank you in advance, If people really like it, I will be realesing even more music soon.
Please Have a liste and let me know. 

Please check it out.. follow & share if you like it 🙂


We are Subba and the roots , an italian indipendent band, listen to our new album!




- - This post was removed for violating the Community Terms and Conditions, specifically "Avoid double posting". Any users posting the same content multiple times will have their posts removed. For more information please read here:


if you sittin still**bleep** then i dont know man

Hey bro how do I increase streams ?


My track GRIMY feat. Royal, is a hard trap song for all my ragers out there who love to mosh and headbang! The lyrics fit right over the beat all the way up to the drop making for a good flow, and keeping the track alive! The drops are amazing on the track, and I had so much fun making them. The second drop especially gets you going! Perfect for raging with your friends, and especially at the gym when you are going hard! All feedback is appreciated! Much love, Essency.spotify:track:4Q1hANY2FA8TF0ADUTYBQI

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