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Musical wonders of the world


Musical wonders of the world


I have got again My old idea to get vote on various music traditions. I would like to write article about musical wonders of the world. I have thought on Google form, but maybe It'll be rather more interresting to post songs here and also, some explanations about It. So, one post will countains one song and also information, why I have to get It, as candidate to musical wonders of the world.

Inspiration for this is 7 wonders of the world, but there isn't 7 musical wonders of the world, because every tradition of our planet is unique.

6 Replies

Tuvan throat singing (or Mongolian throat singing ETC) is tradition, which is practice in Mongolia, Tuva, Altay and another neighbor regions. Characteristics of this tradition is, that singer sings two, or three notes at once. This tradition belongs to overtone singing tradition. There are various types of throat singing. Let me gives You now main three types of especially tuvan throat singing (khöömei, sygyt, kargyraa).

In this example, You can listen those three traditions. For more easy explanation, kargyra is very low and countains subharmonics. Sygyt countains pure overtones, which can sound similar to whistling.

Overtones are multiplification of basic (fundamental) frequency. Ofcourse, in our western tradition It is very rare, if somebody can do overtone singing, or tuvan throat singing.

And finally, here is demonstration. 

The next musical wonder is still vocal, as previous wonder. Althought, next vocal skill is more know to us, than previous. It is yodeling. Yodeling is mainly practice in Alpine mountains. In this technique, You manipulate both with Your head and chest voice. Yodeling is also popular in country music too. There are also various yodeling traditions over the world, but It'll be maybe on another post. But main types of Yodeling in Alpine regions are by My classification bavarian (It is used mainly in areas, where are spoken dialects of Austro-bavarian german, for example in Tyrol) and Swiss Yodeling (more choral).

But, form of Bavarian (or Tirol) Yodeling is more know, like this Swiss Yodel in the world, althought I know people, who are interrested on Swiss Yodel more, that on Bavarian Yodel style. Here is demonstration of Bavarian Yodel, so You can vote for It, if You want too. 

Gamelan is genre of Indonesian music. It is known in Jawa, Bali and Sunda. Jawanese gamelan is slower, than Balinese Gamelan, which is more wild and faster. But, main charasteristics of Gamelan are metal percussion instruments, which are used. Some Gamelans also uses bambo musical instruments, but It is very rare and metaltype instruments are more common in this musical genre.

Here is demonstration of this music genre. Also, You can share another musical tradition, if You want too and We'll be maybe vote for It. 

Didgeridoo is traditional musical instrument of Australian Aborigines.

This is a piece of wood gutted by termites. Didgeridoo is in category of wind musical instruments, so You play on this instrument similarly, like on trumpet. Similarly means, that in similar technique, althought not as well, as on trumpet, or similar brass musical instruments. You can play a drone sound on this musical instrument and also, manipulate with overtones by using mouth and Your tongue. 

Next musical instrument (or musical wonder) looks, like UFO and It is very unique musical instrument. It started, as a Steelpan, nextly was evolved to Hang, Hang was ancestor of Handpans and Handpans to Steel tongue drums (tank drums). But, most unique is sound of Hangs and Handpans. 

Tibetan singing bowls is musical instrument mostly used in meditation, Yoga, or in relaxation. If You struck this bowl, You can listen one tone and also, overtones. You can also play those bowls by friction with mallet. One interresting thing is this, that if You can play many tibetan singing bowls of many weights and sizes, It is still beautiful. 

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