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Downtime June 7th: Playlist issues

Hey folks!

We've been seeing reports that users are unable to see playlists posted on profiles - both on their own profile and on the profiles of other users. This might lead to some users not being able to create new playlists, or browse their playlists.

This seems to happen mostly on desktop, but we've also noticed reports across different devices.

Hey folks,

Great news - this should now be fixed!

Try signing out from the app and back in again, should the playlists still not appear for you. This action should resync your account info.

Cheers 🙂


I can't see others public playlists or my own playlists displayed on my profile or on others spotify profiles. Is there an error/ glich? - 07/07/24

I'm using Spotify desktop. Thx

Spotify suddenly stopped showing me any playlists on anyones profiles, including my own. A profile just shows followers and following and nothing else.

I cannot see my own public playlists displayed on my profile, and I cannot see other peoples public playlists either.... It's just blank. I'm using desktop.


When I go to my public profile, my playlists are not visible. Same for friends as well. This is true on both MacOS (MBP), Android (One Plus 7 Pro), and Web (Chrome). When I search for my playlists, they are also not visible.

Since the last Spotify update, both in Desktop and Mobile I can only see half of my followers listening activity while they can see mine. Also I cannot find my or anyone's public playlists.
Since the last Spotify update, both in Desktop and Mobile I can only see half of my followers listening activity while they can see mine. Also I cannot find my or anyone's public playlists.

This has happened to me too - my entire library of playlists has just disappeared, and I also can’t see anyone else's profiles.







ACER swift 3

Operating System

windows 10


My Question or Issue

all my playlists just... dissapeared. i had tons and they're all gone without a trace. the links i used to go to them only show an error screen. they won't show up in the recovery screen either. i didn't delete any of them!  anyone know why or how this could have happened?!?

the only trace i have left is what i believe to be the link to my main playlist. any and all help is greatly appreciated. Page not available (

please I need to get all my playlists as soon as possible
I cannot access my playlists, folders, or any of the sort. I also can't sign in on my tablet anymore. I don't have any idea what happened. Please help, thank you!