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Lyrics Sharing Not Working

Hey everyone,


We’re receiving reports that the Lyrics Sharing feature is not working. Before you keep on reading, note that this issue is different than not seeing Lyrics at all.

Hey everyone,


We can confirm that the main issue has been resolved.


We understand that there might still be some users that cannot share lyrics. 


If you experience this, you can reach out to our CS team. The folks there will be able to help with it as this will require some account adjustments.

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey everybody,


Great news, we've received word that this should now be fixed and wanted to check how it's looking on your end.


If you still can't see the Share option, please make sure that you're running the latest Spotify version. You might also need to restart your device.


Note that this fix might take a couple of days to reach everyone.


Keep us posted 🙂


In some songs, lyrics are not synchronized...they are faster than songs.


macOS Monterey 12.1

MacBook Air

Spotify per macOS (Intel)


i have a premium account and i have reinstalled the application and restarted the phone and still have the same issue I can't share lyrics and the app is up to date 

• android 11

• xiaomi redmi note 10s

• miui global

• Spotify


Hello, I can't see any lyrics too in any songs I play.

I already tried everything that is listed on the FaQ, so deleting cache and data, reinstall the app, logging out twice and more...

I have a premium account and I'm quite **bleep** off.

Device: Oppo A74 (Android) 

Android 11



@Mario @Alex I have tried to reinstall Spotify multiple times, lyric sharing button still not appeared. Strange enough, I subscribed to Premium Family and all of my family members have lyric sharing button on their app. I tried sign in on their phone with my account but the lyric share button wasn't appeared. When they signed back in with their account, the button reappears! It seems the issue only specific to my account which is the Premium Family Manager, this is beyond ridiculous!

Device: Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro

OS Version: Android 11, MIUI Indonesia
Country: Indonesia
Spotify version
Subcription plan: Premium Family


done everything that was recommended but still can't see lyrics and it has worked for me previously


iOS 15.3.1

iphone 7

premium individual


I've commented before, but wanted to provide  an update: up until February 11th, the button never showed up on my Samsung Galaxy A30. I don't have access to that device to check which Spotify version it was running. For a week, I had to use an older device, Moto G4, running Android 7, Spotify version -- lyrics show up without a problem, but no button.


Now, I'm using a brand-new phone and still can't share lyrics:

Android 11, 3.1 One UI
Samsung Galaxy A32
Spotify version


I've had the lyrics card feature pretty consistently ever since it first showed up in Latin America, but never had the lyrics share button. At this point, I don't even really mind the bug, but I'm still curious about what's going on here.


The option to share lyrics has been taken away from me for some reason. I don’t know if it’s a bug, if it’s happen to anyone else, or if it was taken away temporarily so it can be fixed but I want it back. Also I understand this is not the place to bringing issues like this but it’s the only place I know of. Whoever the moderator is that reads this and responds, where can I contact customer service about issues like this?







iPhone 12 Pro

Operating System

iOS 15.3.1



My Question or Issue

Apparently everyone in the world got the lyrics with the update. Expect me. How do I fix this ? Or rather how will YOU fix this ?! Emptied the cache about 25 times and deleted/redownloaded the app and rebooted my phone that many times. Pretty sure the problem here is Spotify. Not even on my PC does your "update" shows up, and yet my roommate has the lyrics feature working just fine. What is this ? Seems like there's always problems with Spotify.


Status changed to: Case Closed

Hey everyone,


We can confirm that the main issue has been resolved.


We understand that there might still be some users that cannot share lyrics. 


If you experience this, you can reach out to our CS team. The folks there will be able to help with it as this will require some account adjustments.






Redmi 8a Dual

Operating System



My Question or Issue

I recently got into many articles where moderators saying this issue is temporarily removed. I asked some of my friends and family members' if they have the same issue but no they don't have this issue at all.  I request you to add this feature in every device on your next update. This is so much bothersome to me. 
