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Nuclear Blast unavailable

Nuclear Blast unavailable

Since yeterday I'm not able to play most of Nuclear Blast albums. The error message is either "song is unavailable" or "song is unavailable in your country". This includes all Eluveitie albums, Toumas Holopainen - Lise and times of Scrooge, and probably some others (finding them as we speak, Epica seems fine, if their Spotofy collection is rather small, if it should include most of their albums, they're gone for me as well - I don't have them saved in my library, so I can't even see them enymore).

Can anyone tell me what is going on?


BTW, my country is Poland.


EDIT: inb4 clear chache: tried Windows client, android and web player. All the same.

190 Replies

Offline, physical copies. 🙂

Catalog is still emtpy/missing. Thanks Nuclear Blunder.

I am having the same issue and I am in US. Its actually happening with a lot of the bands I would listen to all the time.

Yeah @camara08 I also had a playlist for my own use.

Had a road trip, plugged in my phone, and quite a few songs were unavailable again.

It's a joke really.

"Pay, and you MAY or MAY NOT listen to the songs you RENT."

Looks like it's happening again in the UK 😞

Epic fail!

Same thing in France.

Nightwish, Amorphis, Epica, After forever songs just became unavailaible today ou yesterday.

This is a shame.

So, anyone ever tried to contact NB?


I have, and this is their answer (as of yesterday):

"Thank you for your message. We’re currently in the process of changing our distributors for all streaming services, so it might happen that albums disappear for a while. They should be available again within the next couple of days. If that is not the case, please let me know and I will see that they will be online again."


Greetings from The Netherlands

Thanks a lot for contacting them and sharing the answer. I'll wait then... 
Do you have their contact link / email address sothat we can push it?

I just went to their website and mailed them via the contact form.


Site is

Latest reply:


"Thank you for your message and your concern. There are about 40 Nuclear Blast albums missing from Spotify right now. But our colleagues at Nuclear Blast UK and the new distributor are working hard on making them available again. That should be the case within the next couple of days. That is unfortunately all the information I have so far. Should you still come across any missing albums after that, please let us know."

Still hasn't been solved. I really miss the Sabaton Heroes album. But let's be patient.

Latest reply (yesterday):


"I don’t have a list of the albums unfortunately. But the goal is definitely to have all albums available again. There are no region restrictions happening, I believe that all European countries are affected by the distributor change at the moment."

The album that made me contact NB, The Ride Majestic, is available again.

So I have good faith the rest will popup again soon.

Nightwish's Endless Forms Most Beautifull is back! Unfortunately still no Wishmaster and Sabaton's Heroes.
As you said - give them some days.

Sabaton Heroes is back! 🙂

Hi guys,

I also have problems with some of the older Nuclear Blast albums disappearing. I'm in Bulgaria (EU) and using Spotify premium on PC & iPhone.

As an example, the following albums disappeared suddenly and cannot be located by the search function any longer:

I only have reference to these because I had saved them when they were available, but I cannot play them anymore.

I am sure there are many others missing, but I think the above is sufficient example to make my point.

Meanwhile, some Nuclear Blast albums such as "La Muerte" by Gorefest, "Carnival is forever" by Decapitated, "Heaven's Venom", "The Prophecy" by Kataklysm, "At the Gates of Sethu" by Nile, some Rage and Testament albums and many other Nuclear Blast titles are still available.

I found out about all of this yesterday and emailed support. They didnt tell me anything useful, just copy-pasted polite phrases and fake surprise ("oh, it seems this album has suddenly and unexpectedly become unavailable for your country. just wait and it may or may not reappear in a few days/months/years time") I had to Google it to find out what was really happening.

Honestly, when I figured it out yesterday I was foaming at the mouth for two whole hours.

Would it hurt Spotify to just send an automated e-mail with a short announcement: "Guys, we have some stability issues with Nuclear Blast back catalogue, some albums may disappear for a while but they will be back if we renew our distribution agreement." ?

But sneakily removing albums and then acting all surprised is a **bleep**ty business practice and Spotify should feel bad about it.   

Just be honest to your subscribers guys, they are people too.

PS: I am still new to the whole streaming thing (made my first Spotify subsription last month), but I now have some severe trust issues with it. It seems physical copies (CD) and ripped mp3s is still the way to go. At least nobody can take it away!

Have you tried emailing Nuclear Blast?


Btw, the first album in your list works just fine for me, couldn't get the others to show though.

For example, I get a different artist for Brutality, and a different album for "The Atrocity Exhibition"

Hi mate, thanks a lot for your reply.


The LockUp album just showed up for me. It was not available 2 hours ago. So I guess someone is actually working on resolving this issue.


I have not contacted NB yet, as I mentioned I am new to all this and identified the problem yesterday afternoon. Sure I will shoot them an e-mail with the links, perhaps they can help work on it.


As for the other missing albums, I tried searching lots of ways for these albums - by album name, song names, by artist and then checking the albums listed, but with no success. Spotify support sent me alternative URI for some of them, but no luck, they still dont work. 


Re.links, perhaps it is better to use the Spotify URI to be more precise? I guessed the "Album link" thing did the same job, but I guess it's not so precise if you are seeing different artist/album.


For example this should be the Spotify URI for Brutality "In Mourning": spotify:album:0dkIxCMy3fjvpZlETaq7LA


Cheers / lots of luck,

hey everyone,

nuclear blast is working on it. there was a switch in distributors which caused a lot of gaps in their large catalogue. everything will become available again in the coming days.

thx for your patience!

Genexus from Fear Factory is still unavailable, and from what I can read allready for at least 3 weeks... I hope this will be solved soon (how hard can it be?) and will not happen to often, this makes me think twice about staying with spotify premium!

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