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Playback on multiple devices at the same time?

Playback on multiple devices at the same time?

Hello all,


I've seen different reports and vague Spotify answers on how many simultaneous streams Spotify will allow with Sonos. I've tried it in a setup with two Sonos devices and that seems to work until I play a tune through the Spotify desktop app, after which Sonos quits. I've read a report of 10 simultaneous streams but in the store I work it works it won't go past 1 stream (though that may be a bit of strange account).


So: how many streams does Spotify allow when only using Sonos within one home network? What are the thoughts on future developments on this issue?


Thanks in advance, Maarten

4 Replies

You can stream multiple streams on Sonos I think (since its through the partner API but I've never had Sonos to test it) but you can't open two streams from Spotify at the same time. So you can't open a desktop stream and a stream via the API. 



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Ok, thanks... that actually does make me understand it a bit better: multiple streams are allowed, but not multiple connections... But still, someone at Spotify must be able to give some clarity on how many streams 'multiple' is, they set the rules themselves. I could try it out, but that doesn't ensure me that number doesn't change depending on time of day, day, or network load.

Under the Spotify terms, you can only ever have one open stream at a time from Spotify since accounts are licensed for personal usage only and you can't be in two places at once. That is why if you are streaming from the desktop client and try to start streaming on another computer or mobile device your playback will be paused. 


Sonos appear to have some way around this with their "multiroom" setup, but I'm not sure of the details of how it works. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Well I doubt Sonos can do this due to a silly programming loophole by Spotify. They're well aware of this use. However, it would be nice if Spotify would formulate a clear policy stance on this, if only acknowledging that it may sometimes work but no guarantees.



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