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Sonos: Shuffle a Spotify list, then shuffle another

Sonos: Shuffle a Spotify list, then shuffle another

Hi - so here is the situation - I have about 10 Spotify playlists setup (decade based), which I want to play sequentially through my Sonos music system.  BUT, I'd like to be able to play each playlist in a random order WITHIN that playlist, before moving on to the next playlist also in random order.


As far as I can see, I can only either queue up each Spotify playlist in order, without shuffle, which will then play the tracks in the order they appear in the each playlist, or hit shuffle, in which case it will shuffle all across all playlists, which I don't want.


I could queue up one Spotify playlist, play it on shuffle, and then when it finishes, replace the queue with the next one etc, but this is for a looong party, and I want the music to just play.  Because when I created each Spotify playlist, I added songs as I thought of them, which means sometimes there are more than one track by the same artist together, or other grouping which wouldn't be ideal when playing.

So I was trying to find a way of randomising, i.e. shuffling, each Spotify playlist at source, so that I do get a random order, and can then add them all to the Sonos queue and just get on with the party.  But I can't see a way to do that.

Failing that, I guess I'll just have to spend some time manually changing the order of each Spotify playlist, so that they are sort of random within in each playlist, and then add them all to the queue on Sonos and play unshuffled.  But we are talking about 12 hours of music here, and I'd rather save myself a job!


I hope that makes sense!  Any ideas most welcome!


1 Reply

I got this reply on the Sonos forum, which I am pasting here in case it helps anyone as it seems like a good workaround to me:


Open the Spotify client.
Open a playlist.
Select a track, then ctrl-A to select all.
Right click and copy the HTTP links.
Paste them into a randomiser like and shuffle.
Select all the results and ctrl-C to copy them.
Back in Spotify create a new playlist then ctrl-V to paste.
Repeat for other playlists.

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