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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
Hi,I changed my playlist's image, title and description. When I view the
link of my playlist on the web, it's changed. My brother who is a
Spotify user can see the changes.However on the desktop app on my
MacBook and on the mobile app on my iPhone, i...
Hi, I changed my playlist's image, title and description. When I view the link of my playlist on the web, it's changed. My brother who is a Spotify user can see the changes. However on the desktop ...
I logged into my account yesterday and all my music I saved,downloaded
for months is gone. Please tell me I can get it back. Not happy as a
paying customer for ages.Also account is as if I'm new and asking if I
want 30 day free trial.I've been paying...
I logged into my account yesterday and all my music I saved,downloaded for months is gone. Please tell me I can get it back. Not happy as a paying customer for ages. Also account is as if I'm new an...
Hi I'm a teacher and often listen to Spotify in school using the web
player (admin won't allow download of the desktop app on school
hardware, and no wifi for listening through my iPhone). Tracks I played
using the web player were being scrobbled to ...
Hi I'm a teacher and often listen to Spotify in school using the web player (admin won't allow download of the desktop app on school hardware, and no wifi for listening through my iPhone).&n...
Hi, I have been using Spotify connect through my Onkyo tx nr656, working
rock solid throughout the last year. About two weeks ago, just of a
sudden, the app (tried both from IOS and Android) is no longer able to
see the receiver as a device. AFAICS, ...
Hi, I have been using Spotify connect through my Onkyo tx nr656, working rock solid throughout the last year. About two weeks ago, just of a sudden, the app (tried both from IOS and Android)...
I am getting no sound from the web player on Spotify. I am hearing both
system sounds and can play Pandora. Is something going on with the web
player today?
I am getting no sound from the web player on Spotify. I am hearing both system sounds and can play Pandora. Is something going on with the web player today?
Hello!I'm using a receiver from Yamaha (R-N803D) and have issues with it
showing up as a Connect device. When I start it manually (or wake it up
from stand-by) it shows up immediately. But, although the network
setting for the receiver is not allowed...
Hello! I'm using a receiver from Yamaha (R-N803D) and have issues with it showing up as a Connect device. When I start it manually (or wake it up from stand-by) it shows up immediately. But, althoug...
I am a new Premium User. I have an iPhone 6, a Windows desktop, an iPad,
and an Amazon Echo. I have had other music services in the past, such as
Deezer, Amazon Prime, and Apple music. But I signed up for Spotify
because of its support for Amazon Ech...
I am a new Premium User. I have an iPhone 6, a Windows desktop, an iPad, and an Amazon Echo. I have had other music services in the past, such as Deezer, Amazon Prime, and Apple music. &n...
I use spotify with my Onkyo TX 8050, on my macbook, iPhone and iPad. Now
I found that you can change the streaming quality (normal / high /
extreme) for each device seperately; standard is low. I'd like to stream
to my Onkyo with 320 kbit/s (extreme)...
I use spotify with my Onkyo TX 8050, on my macbook, iPhone and iPad. Now I found that you can change the streaming quality (normal / high / extreme) for each device seperately; standard is low. I'd l...
Nessa semana percebi que alguns álbuns de bandas que sigo no Spotify tem
sido removidos do catálogo das bandas, gostaria de saber porque isso
está acontecendo, em certos casos apenas uma música do album e mantida e
as demais removidas (deixarei um ex...
Nessa semana percebi que alguns álbuns de bandas que sigo no Spotify tem sido removidos do catálogo das bandas, gostaria de saber porque isso está acontecendo, em certos casos apenas uma música do al...
Hallo. Hab da mal ne Frage. Ich benutze Spotifiy Free auf der PS4 und
würde da gerne eine Playlist eines Freundes finden. Er hat diese schon
veröffentlicht aber ich finde die Playlist trotzdem nicht
Hallo. Hab da mal ne Frage. Ich benutze Spotifiy Free auf der PS4 und würde da gerne eine Playlist eines Freundes finden. Er hat diese schon veröffentlicht aber ich finde die Playlist trotzdem nicht
HelloI am playing Spotify on my PS4 USING THE PS4 connect app. However
starting from yesterday, the app keeps on repeating the same song over
and over again despite having 100+ songs in my playlist. I tried playing
another song in the same playlist, ...
Hello I am playing Spotify on my PS4 USING THE PS4 connect app. However starting from yesterday, the app keeps on repeating the same song over and over again despite having 100+ songs in my playli...
I can only view around half of a playlist I've created it's showing 99
songs but I can view / select or listen to around half. I've sent the
playlist to my friend and she can view everything? How do I fix this?
I've tried deleting and restoring
I can only view around half of a playlist I've created it's showing 99 songs but I can view / select or listen to around half. I've sent the playlist to my friend and she can view everything? How do ...
Hi, I just recently got an Acer Chromebook 14. I tried using the Web
Player, but it won't work! When I press the play button, no music plays.
I tried clicking on the play button on the bottom and on the individual
song itself but it still doesn't wor...
Hi, I just recently got an Acer Chromebook 14. I tried using the Web Player, but it won't work! When I press the play button, no music plays. I tried clicking on the play button on the bottom and on ...
For months now I haven't been able to play or pause using my Bluetooth
headphones and my car. I've tried fresh installs of the app, 2 different
phones, 2 different Bluetooth headphones ,same results. Play and pause
work just fine on other apps that I...
For months now I haven't been able to play or pause using my Bluetooth headphones and my car. I've tried fresh installs of the app, 2 different phones, 2 different Bluetooth headphones ,same results....
Hi. I'm not really sure if I posted this on the right thread. If not, an
informative correction would be very much appreciated.Anyways, I really
want to listen to Seconhand Serenade's certain album but I can't access
them and never have, which is sad...
Hi. I'm not really sure if I posted this on the right thread. If not, an informative correction would be very much appreciated. Anyways, I really want to listen to Seconhand Serenade's certain album...
Whenever I open up my web player, I end up with a play bar with no time
signature or album image, and whenever I click play on anything IT
DOESN'T PLAY! No warnings or notifications have come up, and it's been
doing this for nearly a month. No amount...
Whenever I open up my web player, I end up with a play bar with no time signature or album image, and whenever I click play on anything IT DOESN'T PLAY! No warnings or notifications have come up...
HiThe discover weekly issue: I got it last Monday, then it disappeared
and the only "made for you" playlist I see is the release radar (which
also doesn't update). Tried some suggestions I saw here: 'follow' the
discover - but there was no playlists ...
Hi The discover weekly issue: I got it last Monday, then it disappeared and the only "made for you" playlist I see is the release radar (which also doesn't update). Tried some suggestions I saw here...