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New shared playlist is not in my library

New shared playlist is not in my library

  1. Plán



Česká republika 


Xiaomi 12

Operační systém

Android 13


Můj dotaz nebo problém

Dobrý den, vytvořil jsem nový playlist na Spotify a sdílím ho. Všichni ostatní v něm mají ten seznam skladeb normálně na svém profilu a ve své knihovně, ale já jako tvůrce ho tam nemám. Zkoušel jsem kliknout na přidat do profilu, ale stále se to nezobrazuje a pokaždé, když to chci hrát, musím naskenovat kód Spotify. A ten playlist se mi ani nelíbí, ani si ho nemůžu stáhnout. 

Můžete mi s tím prosím pomoci?

4 Replies

Hi there @Eliska12,


Thanks for the post.

This is a very strange issue. Can you please send us a link to the playlist in question, so we can check what's happening with it backstage? If it's a playlist that you've created on your account you should see it in your library on all devices.


Looking forward to your reply.

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Hey @Eliska12,


Thanks for the link.


We've forwarded this to to the relevant team, however we can't confirm when it will be addressed. In the meantime, you can simply try creating a new playlist and copying the contents of the previous one there.


We hope this helps.

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Thank you so much for your reply and help. I'll try it..

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