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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremium for FamilyCountryUSDeviceRedmi Note 9S, PC, Ipad Air
Operating SystemAndroid 10, Windows 10, IOS 12 My Question or IssueA few
days ago, I keep getting fling out of my premium (family), my brother
said he didn't kick me also it happens to ...
Plan Premium for Family Country US Device Redmi Note 9S, PC, Ipad Air Operating System Android 10, Windows 10, IOS 12 My Question or Issue A few days ago, I keep getting f...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceGigaset S270Operating System Android Oreo
My Question or IssueHi. I use Spotify Premium Family. For my son I
installed Spotify Kids. We also use Family Link. We managed to stop the
device to a certain time. Unfortunatel...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Gigaset S270 Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue Hi. I use Spotify Premium Family. For my son I installed Spotify Kids....
PlanPremiumCountrySerbia Device iPhone 11 ProOperating SystemiOS 10 My
Question or Issue Why none of my family members can’t join on link
provided? When is needed to enter home address, it just pops out for
them “You need to live at the same address”...
Hi there i was wondering if someone could help me with our family
subscription, my wife is have a great deal of difficulty with her
spotify downloads, not downloading and her music not play all the time
when she pushes on the album it just shows a bl...
Hi there i was wondering if someone could help me with our family subscription, my wife is have a great deal of difficulty with her spotify downloads, not downloading and her music not play all the t...
PlanPremiumCountry Turkey / Türkiye My Question or Issue Hello, I try to
pay for premium but I can't because of 3d security. I talked with my
bank and they said my card is open for 3d payments. Doesn't spotify
support 3d security payment in Turkey ? ...
Plan Premium Country Turkey / Türkiye My Question or Issue Hello, I try to pay for premium but I can't because of 3d security. I talked with my bank and ...
After years of sharing an account, my wife and I just upgraded to
Spotify Duo. We just created a separate account for my wife, but it's
totally empty - all the dozens of playlists she's created over the years
are stuck in my account. Is there a way t...
After years of sharing an account, my wife and I just upgraded to Spotify Duo. We just created a separate account for my wife, but it's totally empty - all the dozens of playlists she's created...
Plan PremiumCountry Mexico Device Iphone x y alienwareOperating
SystemiOS 10 My Question or IssueLlevo mas de 4 años trabajando con mi
cuenta familiar y de repente tuve el plan premium personal, intente
cambiarlo a familiar esa misma noche y lo que s...
Plan Premium Country Mexico Device Iphone x y alienware Operating System iOS 10 My Question or Issue Llevo mas de 4 años trabajando con mi cuenta familiar y de repent...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryCanadaDevice Operating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueLooking at moving to a family
plan from Itunes. However I read one article that said when someone
requests music via the google home, it g...
Plan Free/Premium Country Canada Device Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Looking at moving to a family plan from Itunes.&n...
Hi everyone:I ran into a problem when I invite my sis to join our family
plan.After she entered the correct address, the screen show "saving
address"(in chinese) but it stuck there for several minutes and nothing
happens.Is it a system or app failure...
Hi everyone: I ran into a problem when I invite my sis to join our family plan. After she entered the correct address, the screen show "saving address"(in chinese) but it stuck there for several m...
Spoiler (Highlight to read) I'm unable to change my payment method for
premium family plan. The option to use debit/credit card is not
clickable. It forces me to pay by mobile which is a hassle. Can someone
I'm unable to change my payment method for premium family plan. The option to use debit/credit card is not clickable. It forces me to pay by mobile which is a hassle. Can someone help?
Premium for FamilyCountryCanadaDeviceSamsung Note 8Operating
SystemAndroid version 9 My Question or IssueI bought a $30 redeem card
and it won't load for my plan. How can this be solved?
Premium for Family Country Canada Device Samsung Note 8 Operating System Android version 9 My Question or Issue I bought a $30 redeem card and it won't load for my plan. How c...
Plan - Premium Family PlanCountry - Canada After many tries, I think I
finally got the family plan to work on multiple devices within my same
household (I think), but... it only seems to work when we are all on the
same home wifi. If I go for a walk ...
Plan - Premium Family Plan Country - Canada After many tries, I think I finally got the family plan to work on multiple devices within my same household (I think), but... it only seems to w...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryIsle of ManDevice(iPhone 7 plus)Operating
System(IOS 13.6) My Question or Issue I have recently registered to
claim my free google next. I had already been charged for the month of
August for my subscription in which is a fam...
Plan Premium Family Country Isle of Man Device (iPhone 7 plus) Operating System (IOS 13.6) My Question or Issue I have recently registered to claim my free google next. I h...
PlanPremiumCountryBelarusDeviceXiaomi Mi 8, Realme XTOperating
SystemAndroid My Question or Issueonly my wife's songs are on the
playlist Duo Mix, but my songs are not there, which is why the playlist
is only for my wife
Plan Premium Country Belarus Device Xiaomi Mi 8, Realme XT Operating System Android My Question or Issue only my wife's songs are on the playlist Duo Mix, but my songs are not there,...
I have a Spotify premium account. While listening to podcasts recently,
ads have been playing during and between some of the podcasts. They are
not embedded within the podcast, they are being played as separate
entities (see picture). I have tried lo...
I have a Spotify premium account. While listening to podcasts recently, ads have been playing during and between some of the podcasts. They are not embedded within the podcast, they are being played ...
PlanFamily PremiumDeviceAndroid MobileOperating SystemAndroid Oreo My
Question or IssueI have a specific playlist and at times Spotify throws
in a song that I did not add. How do I prevent this and ONLY play the
songs on my list? Very frustrating whe...
Plan Family Premium Device Android Mobile Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue I have a specific playlist and at times Spotify throws in a song that I did not add.&n...
PlanPremiumCountryusaDeviceiphone xrOperating Systemios 14 My Question
or Issuesed to use a shared account, which had all my playlists and
music preferences but now we are using a family subscription, so i
logged in with my old personal account. Is t...
...e are using a family subscription, so i logged in with my old personal account. Is there any way to transfer the music preferences and playlists to the other account?
i left my family account and i get this error when i try to join back i
get this error which is understandable, but how do i know when the 12
months are over?
i left my family account and i get this error when i try to join back i get this error which is understandable, but how do i know when the 12 months are over?
Plan/Premium FamilyCountry Pamama Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9,
Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or IssueLast month by mistake I subscribed to the
family plant but in my girlfriend's accou...
Plan /Premium Family Country Pamama Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or I...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryUSA Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI just bought premium Family. My 2 teens share the same
account. If they BOTH want to li...
Plan Premium Family Country USA Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or I...