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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi there, please tell me how to rejoin as a family member after
smartphone reset and fresh installation. Which credentials are needed?
How not to lose playlists etc of this member account? I couldn't find a
hint in the app nor on the Spotify account ...
Hi there, please tell me how to rejoin as a family member after smartphone reset and fresh installation. Which credentials are needed? How not to lose playlists etc of this member account? I...
PlanPremiumCountryRUDevicePCOperating SystemWindows 10My Question or
IssueAfter reinstall my girl lost his account and don't know email. She
registred member in my family setings. How findout email?
Plan Premium Country RU Device PC Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue After reinstall my girl lost his account and don't know email. She registred member in my family setings. H...
Hi I've got a 6 months Spotify Premium Service gift card and currently I
have a family plan. Is this card eligible for family plan or is it for
single premium use only. It's valued at $72. Thanks. Regards,
Hi I've got a 6 months Spotify Premium Service gift card and currently I have a family plan. Is this card eligible for family plan or is it for single premium use only. It's v...
PlanPremiumCountryItaly My Question or IssueI bought a Gift Card in
Italy, at LOTTOMATICA, 120€!!! I thought i coud have used it to pay all
my year of family substcription but... i cannot redeem the code!! I'm
very upset because it is not just few eu...
Plan Premium Country Italy My Question or Issue I bought a Gift Card in Italy, at LOTTOMATICA, 120€!!! I thought i coud have used it to pay all my year of family substcription but... i c...
PlanFamily Premium My Question or IssueI am living in the UK and have
been using premium family for a while now. I am the main account holder
and am not eligible for a google nest? I have never used any other
google promos etc
Plan Family Premium My Question or Issue I am living in the UK and have been using premium family for a while now. I am the main account holder and am not eligible for a google nest?&n...
PlanPremium FamilyCountry I originally created a Spotify account in
France. I am currently in the US with my family Device(iPhone 8, Samsung
Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo,
Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI...
Plan Premium Family Country I originally created a Spotify account in France. I am currently in the US with my family Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) O...
PlanPremium - FamilyCountryUSADeviceSamsung Galaxy Note8Operating
SystemWindows 10 My Question or IssueJust added a premium family
subscription to this account.Sent my wife the invite, when she's
attempting to add her account it's giving an error sta...
Plan Premium - Family Country USA Device Samsung Galaxy Note8 Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue Just added a premium family subscription to this account. Sent my w...
PlanFree/Family PremiumCountryTurkeyWe’ve been using my brother’s family
premium. Then he didn’t pay it, we kicked out from plan. I bought a
family plan invited my sister but it said “you can’t join someones plan
in 12 months”. Does she have to pay h...
Plan Free/Family Premium Country Turkey We’ve been using my brother’s family premium. Then he didn’t pay it, we kicked out from plan. I bought a family plan invited my sister but it said “y...
Je me suis abonné a spotify famille avec un carte bancaire française
mais je réside en Belgique Mon compte est donc français, le problème est
que quand je souhaite ajouter des membres de ma famille, en ayant
indiqué mon adresse belge je reçois un mes...
Je me suis abonné a spotify famille avec un carte bancaire française mais je réside en Belgique Mon compte est donc français, le problème est que quand je souhaite ajouter des membres de ma fa...
My Question or IssueWe have 2 separate free accounts and 2 separate
student accounts. I want to upgrade 1 student account to ONE family
premium account + add the other family members. How to delete the other
1 student and 2 free accounts? Or can the ...
My Question or Issue We have 2 separate free accounts and 2 separate student accounts. I want to upgrade 1 student account to ONE family premium account + add the other family members. How to d...
PlanPremium FamilyCountry US My Question or Issue Hello:Yesterday I
recieved my email saying that my Google Home Mini was now available.
When I follow the link, it brings me to the Google Store. Once I've
selected the mini, and go into the checkout, ...
Plan Premium Family Country US My Question or Issue Hello: Yesterday I recieved my email saying that my Google Home Mini was now available. When I follow the link, it brings m...
I got an email stating that my google mini is awaiting for me. The email
gave me a link that sent me to the google site to purchase the google
mini for $49. It doesn’t even include the taxes. I never got a promo
code for the “free” google mini. I sen...
I got an email stating that my google mini is awaiting for me. The email gave me a link that sent me to the google site to purchase the google mini for $49. It doesn’t even include the taxes. I never...
Hi, we have a premium family plan, but our to kids cannot join because
they are not 13 years or older. Do I need to lie about the age so I
could register them, in that case, I might have to go back to Apple
Hi, we have a premium family plan, but our to kids cannot join because they are not 13 years or older. Do I need to lie about the age so I could register them, in that case, I might have to go back t...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryPoland My Question or IssueMy family mix is
empty. I check it everyday, but not even a single song so far. Please
help me resolve the issue, I want to try this feature.
Plan Family Premium Country Poland My Question or Issue My family mix is empty. I check it everyday, but not even a single song so far. Please help me resolve the issue, I want to try t...
I don't understand why kids can't make playlists in the Spotify Kids
Family Plan app. All they are able to do in terms of saving music is to
"like" songs and they all go into the same growing list of songs. Kids
want to be able to have playlists for ...
I don't understand why kids can't make playlists in the Spotify Kids Family Plan app. All they are able to do in terms of saving music is to "like" songs and they all go into the same growing list o...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
PlanFree/PremiumCountryHi, I’m currently into the 5th day of my billing
month and want to upgrade to family. Should I wait until the end of the
month so I don’t get billed twice in the space of a week?
ThanksDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook...
Plan Free/Premium Country Hi, I’m currently into the 5th day of my billing month and want to upgrade to family. Should I wait until the end of the month so I don’t get billed twice in the space o...
I'd like to add my new husband to my family plan. He currently is
subscribed to Premium individual. When he joins our family, will he lose
his saved music and playlists?
I'd like to add my new husband to my family plan. He currently is subscribed to Premium individual. When he joins our family, will he lose his saved music and playlists?
PlanPremiumCountryPolandDeviceall devicesOperating SystemAndroid and
Windows 10 My Question or Issue After entering my home address, an error
pops up and I can't join Family Premium. ,,Please try again later,,