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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
When i got email with invititation from my BF(we're living together).
Pressing invitation filling form, and then red error "You can not join
this plan Premium for family."I am asking why?
When i got email with invititation from my BF(we're living together). Pressing invitation filling form, and then red error "You can not join this plan Premium for family." I am asking why?
PlanPremium FamilyCountry MalaysiaDeviceIphone 6s, Samsung Galaxy Note
5, iPhone XOperating SystemiOS 11 and Android 7.11 My Question or Issue
I forgot my house address and i can't add my brother into my family
account. Please help me out thanks !
Plan Premium Family Country Malaysia Device Iphone 6s, Samsung Galaxy Note 5, iPhone X Operating System iOS 11 and Android 7.11 My Question or Issue I forgot my h...
PlanPremium Family (at least, it used to be Premium
Family)CountryIndonesia My Question or IssueGreetings! I just got
downgraded from Premium Family to Spotify Free because I didn't have the
chance to verify my account. Spotify initially gave me 7 da...
Plan Premium Family (at least, it used to be Premium Family) Country Indonesia My Question or Issue Greetings! I just got downgraded from Premium Family to S...
PlanPremiumCountry Dominican RepublocDeviceSamsung Galaxy Note
8Operating SystemAndroid My Question or Issue I have a Premium account
and I want to change it to a Family Premium one. Will it change from one
to another or will both be charged?
PlanPremium/familyCountry Uk/USOperating SystemIphoneX ios11.4.1 My
Question or Issue Moved from US to uk, changed payment method. Tried to
change the address and did halfway through. Now I have Country UK but US
post code that I can’t change. Theref...
Plan Premium/family Country Uk/US Operating System IphoneX ios11.4.1 My Question or Issue Moved from US to uk, changed payment method. Tried to change the a...
My Question or Issue hi myself and 5 of my friends began renting a house
and decided to activate a family plan the issue I’m having is we are all
active on the family plan yet each of the other 5 members are still
being charged for their account indi...
PlanPremium (Family)CountrySingapore My Question or IssueAwhile back, I
added my parents into Spotify under my family premium account. They
keyed in the correct address but eventually got kicked out. Now I'm
trying to add them back in but they can't....
Plan Premium (Family) Country Singapore My Question or Issue Awhile back, I added my parents into Spotify under my family premium account. They keyed in the correct address but e...
Hi! I am having trouble joining the familiy premium account. I have
received the invitation email multiple time and tiped in all the right
information but as soon as I click the ok button I get the notification
that I cannot join the family account. ...
Ik ben uitgenodigd om **bleep** te nemen aan een family account van
spotify premium. Echter ontvang ik geen uitnodigingsmail.-ik heb al bij
de ongewenste en spammails gekeken.-de uitnodiging is al een aantal
keren opnieuw verzonden.-de uitnodiging is...
Ik ben uitgenodigd om **bleep** te nemen aan een family account van spotify premium. Echter ontvang ik geen uitnodigingsmail. -ik heb al bij de ongewenste en spammails gekeken. -de uitnodiging is a...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited States DeviceallOperating Systemall My Question
or Issue Family Premium kicked an account off that resides in my
household. When trying to reinvite them to the plan, it won't allow them
to add their account. Please advise.
Plan Premium Country United States Device all Operating System all My Question or Issue Family Premium kicked an account off that resides in my household. W...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry DevicePCOperating SystemWindows 10 My Question
or Issue My partner shifted from using a solo subscription to a family
subscription because i was intrested in using the platform. However i am
not recieving the invite mail.I hav...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device PC Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue My partner shifted from using a solo subscription to a family subscription b...
I have a Family plan in Austria, where I had my family as "sub
accounts". After I replaced my credit card, all my family members got
messages saying their address couldn't be verified. I live in the same
place for 4 years, I doubt that Spotify has my...
I have a Family plan in Austria, where I had my family as "sub accounts". After I replaced my credit card, all my family members got messages saying their address couldn't be verified. I...
PlanFreeCountry UK Device Operating SystemAndroid Oreo My Question or
IssueHi I have paid for Family Premium through my PayPal on 26th July
but it still says waiting for Spotify to authorise. Can you advise me on
how long it usually takes? Thank you.
Plan Free Country UK Device Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue Hi I have paid for Family Premium through my PayPal on 26th July but it still s...
My Question or Issue My account was hacked so I changed all details and
restarted a Family account but now my daughter can not use her account
on my family pack age
My Question or Issue My account was hacked so I changed all details and restarted a Family account but now my daughter can not use her account on my family pack age
My Question or Issue I have sent a family invite to my daughter. She is
able to accept it and goes to the page to enter the address but the
submit button does not change colour and let her join. Any ideas?
My Question or Issue I have sent a family invite to my daughter. She is able to accept it and goes to the page to enter the address but the submit button does not change colour and l...
Oi! Eu estou no plano família do meu noivo, nós moramos juntos na casa
dos pais dele. Até aí tudo bem, mas por 3 vezes eu e os pais dele fomos
excluídos do plano família. Dessa última vez eu recebi o e-mail para
confirmar meu cep e confirmei o meu e ...
Oi! Eu estou no plano família do meu noivo, nós moramos juntos na casa dos pais dele. Até aí tudo bem, mas por 3 vezes eu e os pais dele fomos excluídos do plano família. Dessa última vez eu recebi o...
PlanPremium FamilyCountry Czech RepublicDeviceiPhone 7Operating System
iOSMy Question or Issue Hi there, I have received the code for
additional family member for my Premium Family account. I have also
created an account in Spotify for my family memb...
Plan Premium Family Country Czech Republic Device iPhone 7 Operating System iOS My Question or Issue Hi there, I have received the code for additional family member f...
Meu problemaEstou em um plano familiar do Spotify, eu moro no endereço
cadastrado do plano familiar, É a casa dos meus pais, no entanto,
durante a semana viajo a trabalho e a noite fico na casa da minha
namorada que fica em outra cidade, Pequisei na ...
Meu problema Estou em um plano familiar do Spotify, eu moro no endereço cadastrado do plano familiar, É a casa dos meus pais, no entanto, durante a semana viajo a trabalho e a noit...
Hello Guys, I'm french sorry for my loose english.But I had a
subscription Bouygues Telecom and I just change the package. My family
signed up with Spotify Family and I want to integrate it. I cann't do
it, and my spotify stays offline. What can I do...
Hello Guys, I'm french sorry for my loose english. But I had a subscription Bouygues Telecom and I just change the package. My family signed up with Spotify Family and I want to i...