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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Me and my family had a family plan throughout this whole yesr so far and
had to cancel it for a little bit but then we set it back up again and
it's not letting me join. I even tried changing my email and I still
can't join. It says that I can only j...
Me and my family had a family plan throughout this whole yesr so far and had to cancel it for a little bit but then we set it back up again and it's not letting me join. I even tried changing my e...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADevice(iPhone 14Operating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI am trying to invite a
family member who lives with me but is out of the country at the moment.
We share the same address but the respon...
Plan Premium Country USA Device (iPhone 14 Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I am trying to invite a family member who lives with m...
Dears, I use Spotify Duo in the Netherlands and would like to move my
Spotify account to my internet and TV provider KPN. Spotify Dou is not
available at KPN thus I would need to choose at KPN Spotify Family.
There is a difference in product names be...
...potify Family. There is a difference in product names between Spotify offer and KPN's offer. Spotify calls the plan Spotify Premium Family while KPN calls this plan Spotify Family (premium is skipped in t...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryunited staresDevice(iPhone 8 )Operating
System(iOS 10) My Question or Issuemy family and i, (filled family
plan). share an account, many are long distance by about an hour or so,
but it has always been efficient to have a famil...
Plan Free/Premium Country united stares Device (iPhone 8 ) Operating System (iOS 10) My Question or Issue my family and i, (filled family plan). share an account, many are long d...
PlanPremium family CountryEcuadorDeviceSamsung galaxy S20FEOperating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueAbout 5 days ago my payment was
done... My debit card expired today and instead of asking for change of
cards... They cancelled my family subscript...
Plan Premium family Country Ecuador Device Samsung galaxy S20FE Operating System Android My Question or Issue About 5 days ago my payment was done... My debit card e...
I've changed to Premium Duo. When I did it, I was asked to update my
address. So I did it. Spotify found it and accepted it. No problems.Then
I sent an invitation to my housemate to join my plan. They are asked to
introduce the address to verify it. ...
I've changed to Premium Duo. When I did it, I was asked to update my address. So I did it. Spotify found it and accepted it. No problems. Then I sent an invitation to my housemate to join my plan. T...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryIf I accept a Spotify family invitation with my
Spotify free account, do I lose my history/favorites?Device(iPhone 8,
Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question o...
Plan Free/Premium Country If I accept a Spotify family invitation with my Spotify free account, do I lose my history/favorites? Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) O...
PlanDuo -> FamilyCountryPolandDeviceAndroid + PC App + BrowserOperating
SystemAndroid + Windows Hello, I have a problem with switching plans.
For a long time (few years) I was the menager of a Plan DUO. Recently my
wife left my plan DUO and subscribe...
Plan Duo -> Family Country Poland Device Android + PC App + Browser Operating System Android + Windows Hello, I have a problem with switching plans. For a long time (few y...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryUKMy Question or Issue Hello, My wife had to
verify the address on our family plan and I'm guessing the address
lookup has changed since I entered my address because now it wouldn't
find out address as it was just a postcode ...
Plan Family Premium Country UK My Question or Issue Hello, My wife had to verify the address on our family plan and I'm guessing the address lookup has changed since I entered m...
Is it possible to access/add a spotify kids account to the roku version
of spotify? I can't find the spotify kids app on roku. PlanPremium
Is it possible to access/add a spotify kids account to the roku version of spotify? I can't find the spotify kids app on roku. Plan Premium Family Country USA Device roku
Recebi o convite para entrar no plano premium familiar pelo e-mail,
preenchi meus dados com tudo certo (inclusive o endereço que é o mesmo
de todos) e quando concluo aparece “Você não pode entrar nesse Plano
Premium Familiar”. Quero saber como resolv...
Recebi o convite para entrar no plano premium familiar pelo e-mail, preenchi meus dados com tudo certo (inclusive o endereço que é o mesmo de todos) e quando concluo aparece “Você não pode entrar nes...
Spotify says I’m in the wrong country, but my country is USA in account
and that’s where I am. I am on a family premium account. Why is it not
letting me listen to music and thinks I’m in a different country? I
haven’t recently traveled either.
Spotify says I’m in the wrong country, but my country is USA in account and that’s where I am. I am on a family premium account. Why is it not letting me listen to music and thinks I’m in a d...
Unable to pay for yearly Spotify Premium Family. Was doing annual plan
for the previous 2 years, and now no longer have the option. Really
dislike having subscriptions, and would prefer a yearly payment option.
Location: India
Unable to pay for yearly Spotify Premium Family. Was doing annual plan for the previous 2 years, and now no longer have the option. Really dislike having subscriptions, and would prefer a yearly p...
PlanPremiumCountryFranceDeviceAndroid phonesOperating SystemAndroid My
Question or IssueHey!I have a Family account. My ex wife is on the plan
too. I created two accounts for our kids on Spotify Kids. They can use
it on my phone.However, how can they...
Plan Premium Country France Device Android phones Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hey! I have a Family account. My ex wife is on the plan too. I created two a...
Hello, I would like to know if the family plan for new users of paid
plans is entitled to a trial period of 1 or 2 months like the individual
premium and/or student premium? Thanks.
Hello, I would like to know if the family plan for new users of paid plans is entitled to a trial period of 1 or 2 months like the individual premium and/or student premium? Thanks. &n...
PlanPremium IndividualCountry UK Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9,
Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System My subscription cancelled because
my card was blocked. When I resubscribed I somehow moved from Family to
Individual. I've tried to move my sub...
...resubscribed I somehow moved from Family to Individual. I've tried to move my subscription to family but the app says to go to the web and the web tells me to go to the app. Neither will u...