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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Fui convidada a participar do plano familiar mas não estou conseguindo
acessar a conta e nem cadastrar ao plano familiar. Sempre aparece a
mensagem q algo deu errado
Fui convidada a participar do plano familiar mas não estou conseguindo acessar a conta e nem cadastrar ao plano familiar. Sempre aparece a mensagem q algo deu errado
My mother is on my family plan but is headed to Florida for two months
(she is retired, YAY!). Will she be able to maintain her usage of the
family plan? Thanks
My mother is on my family plan but is headed to Florida for two months (she is retired, YAY!). Will she be able to maintain her usage of the family plan? Thanks
so... my father paid for the family spotify premium but he put his
office address and i didnt knew that, so i put my home address, when i
realize that I recived the e-mail, saying that the address was
incorrect, it was too late and now i dont have sp...
so... my father paid for the family spotify premium but he put his office address and i didnt knew that, so i put my home address, when i realize that I recived the e-mail, saying that the address w...
I registered spotify premium last week, October 4, 2017 and today I
received an email from spotify saying that my payment failed. How can I
resolve this? Thanks in advance for your response!
I registered spotify premium last week, October 4, 2017 and today I received an email from spotify saying that my payment failed. How can I resolve this? Thanks in advance for your response!
El plan que he contratado es de 28.9 mensuales pero ya van tres meses
que me cobran mas de 31.8 mes a mes, ¿como puedo hacer para que hagan el
ajuste correspondiente?
El plan que he contratado es de 28.9 mensuales pero ya van tres meses que me cobran mas de 31.8 mes a mes, ¿como puedo hacer para que hagan el ajuste correspondiente?
Hi! Every since I upgrated my account to Premium Family, I've been
paying with my PayPal account.This month, when I tried to pay again
(since I have to do it every month), I couldn't update my payment
settings. I used the same PayPal account and card...
Hi! Every since I upgrated my account to Premium Family, I've been paying with my PayPal account. This month, when I tried to pay again (since I have to do it every month), I couldn't u...
Se que sonara estupido, pero por error entendi mal mi suscripcion y en
la primer configuracion de familia, puse el nombre de un familiar y
ahora a todos les llega con ese nombre, quiero saber donde lo puedo
Se que sonara estupido, pero por error entendi mal mi suscripcion y en la primer configuracion de familia, puse el nombre de un familiar y ahora a todos les llega con ese nombre, quiero saber donde l...
Es increíble, estamos en el siglo 21, vivo a 50 metros de mi familia,
pero no puedo tener un PLAN FAMILIAR porque no vivo en la misma casa.
Esto es como la familia china viviendo todos juntos,aqui no es asi. Es
absurdo. Aprended de NETFLIX, uno se su...
Es increíble, estamos en el siglo 21, vivo a 50 metros de mi familia, pero no puedo tener un PLAN FAMILIAR porque no vivo en la misma casa. Esto es como la familia china viviendo todos juntos,aqui no...
I've upgraded my spotify and I'm trying to invite family members to the
plan. The invitee is getting a message that something is wrong (error
code 3 opps something went wrong, please try again) and the invite is
coming from my daughter's account and ...
I've upgraded my spotify and I'm trying to invite family members to the plan. The invitee is getting a message that something is wrong (error code 3 opps something went wrong, please try a...
Hallo zusammen, habe versehentlich zuerst das testabo aktiviert und
danach mich fürs Premium Abo inklusive 30 Tage kostenlos registriert. Da
ich Sonos Alexa nutze funktioniert die Sprachsteuerung nicht, wegen der
7tage Testphase. Wie kann ich die Tes...
Hallo zusammen, habe versehentlich zuerst das testabo aktiviert und danach mich fürs Premium Abo inklusive 30 Tage kostenlos registriert. Da ich Sonos Alexa nutze funktioniert die Sprachsteuer...
Alguien podría ayudarme, pues deseo un plan familiar pero no cuento con
una tarjeta y me preguntaba si habría manera de sacar ese plan solo con
despositos en el Oxxo a un número de cuenta que proporcione spotify ?
Alguien podría ayudarme, pues deseo un plan familiar pero no cuento con una tarjeta y me preguntaba si habría manera de sacar ese plan solo con despositos en el Oxxo a un número de cuenta que proporc...
Hi,I'm trying to invite my family to Family Premium. They recived an
invitation code, but when they accept the invitation and try to reedem
code it appears that the code seems to be uncorrect. I've tried one a
diffrent devices and brosers I've cleane...
Hi, I'm trying to invite my family to Family Premium. They recived an invitation code, but when they accept the invitation and try to reedem code it appears that the code seems to be uncorrect. I...
I can't connect on my Family account. When I try to register, put my
personnal information. It redirects me on the same page with an error
message. Not the first time I can see this on this help support, still
no answer.
I can't connect on my Family account. When I try to register, put my personnal information. It redirects me on the same page with an error message. Not the first time I can see this on t...
Hi. I bought the Spotify Premium 0,99 cents for 3 months. I bought it in
June. It has been more than 3 months, and I got charged for 9,99€. I
yesterday (7.10.2017) cancelled my Spotify Premium, it said that it will
be cancelled 8.10.2017. Today, is t...
Hi. I bought the Spotify Premium 0,99 cents for 3 months. I bought it in June. It has been more than 3 months, and I got charged for 9,99€. I yesterday (7.10.2017) cancelled my Spotify Premium, it sa...
Hello, I am having a problem adding a family member onto the premium for
family plan. After I send him the email invitation and he filled out the
form it says there was an error. Can you help me with this issue please.
Hello, I am having a problem adding a family member onto the premium for family plan. After I send him the email invitation and he filled out the form it says there was an error. Can you h...
i sent an invite to my wife to join the premium account but when she
clicks on link she is directed straight to MY login page. There is no
'Redeem' button anywhere.
i sent an invite to my wife to join the premium account but when she clicks on link she is directed straight to MY login page. There is no 'Redeem' button anywhere.