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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Necesito ayuda con mi plan familiar, eliminaron a tres miembros de mi
plan familiar que porque la dirección que ingresaron del domicilio
estaba incorrecta. Como puedo hacerle para que vuelvan a ingresar a mi
Necesito ayuda con mi plan familiar, eliminaron a tres miembros de mi plan familiar que porque la dirección que ingresaron del domicilio estaba incorrecta. Como puedo hacerle para que vuelvan a ingre...
I just made a family account. I am the "owner" of the plan, and all
premium works good for me. My husband has been added an accepted and he
appears as "active", even his account says premium, but he can't play
any song he wants... it still has to be ...
I just made a family account. I am the "owner" of the plan, and all premium works good for me. My husband has been added an accepted and he appears as "active", even his account says premium, but h...
Buenos días, Hemos realizado una cuenta premium familiar y a uno de los
invitados no le ha llegado el mail de invitacion. ¿que debemos hacer? Un
Buenos días, Hemos realizado una cuenta premium familiar y a uno de los invitados no le ha llegado el mail de invitacion. ¿que debemos hacer? Un saludo
I have spotify family with my mother, she is the one paying for it, but
in the last week it hasn`t worked to her. my spotify is working just
fine and i can play music offline, but for her it says her account is
free even though she is paying for us b...
I have spotify family with my mother, she is the one paying for it, but in the last week it hasn`t worked to her. my spotify is working just fine and i can play music offline, but for her it says h...
BonjourJ'ai un compte Family et j'ai inscrit 3 membres de ma famille .
Hors il nous est impossible de nous connecter tous indépendemment .
C'est ou l'un ou l'autre mais jamais ensemble. Est ce normal???? Ou
existe t'il une manip????Merci d'avancecari...
Bonjour J'ai un compte Family et j'ai inscrit 3 membres de ma famille . Hors il nous est impossible de nous connecter tous indépendemment . C'est ou l'un ou l'autre mais jamais ensemble. Est ce n...
Hi... could anyone advise if I could switch my premium account to
permium family? Do I have to cancel my premium account first before
subscirpt to family permium?
Hi... could anyone advise if I could switch my premium account to permium family? Do I have to cancel my premium account first before subscirpt to family permium?
Here's what we got from you: My bro is subcribe premium for spotify.. my
bro sync fb n i log in use username.. now my bro invited me ady.. but
still cant.. keeep asking me need same address with my bro although i
put same address with my bro.. please...
Here's what we got from you: My bro is subcribe premium for spotify.. my bro sync fb n i log in use username.. now my bro invited me ady.. but still cant.. keeep asking me need same address with my b...
I want to join the Premium Family but I have a couple of
questions....... 1) It stressses that all accounts have to reside in the
same house. I have 2 kids that are in college. If I do the Family Plan
do they still get to use it while at college? 2) ...
I want to join the Premium Family but I have a couple of questions....... 1) It stressses that all accounts have to reside in the same house. I have 2 kids that are in college....
I can't find a button that makes the email get to me, I don't know how
to fix this, but I haven't had response in 2 days now, and my
familypayed already. Help?
I can't find a button that makes the email get to me, I don't know how to fix this, but I haven't had response in 2 days now, and my familypayed already. Help?
I have had a premium account for awhile but have been sharing with
sister AND dad... we want a family plan. However, whenever I try and go
online and press "GET STARTED" on the family plan info page, it
redirects me to my account information and a re...
I have had a premium account for awhile but have been sharing with sister AND dad... we want a family plan. However, whenever I try and go online and press "GET STARTED" on the family plan info p...
Hi, I am the administrator of the family plan, and I also administer the
account that my wife uses.When I try to join her account (juanalejo2015)
to the family plan, it asks me for the street address.If I connect to
the master account (juanalejo2013)...
Hi, I am the administrator of the family plan, and I also administer the account that my wife uses. When I try to join her account (juanalejo2015) to the family plan, it asks me for t...
Hello.I tried to activate a Family code for spotify , but it said that
my account have been already connected to a familly account , But never
.Can you help me please ?(sorry bad english i'm french )Thanks. Renaud
Hello. I tried to activate a Family code for spotify , but it said that my account have been already connected to a familly account , But never . Can you help me please ? (sorry bad english i'm f...
Alguien puede ayudarme con relación a que Spotify dara de baja a mis
cuentas familiares que por qué detectaron que no vivimos en el mismo
domicilio, como puedo solucionar ese problema alguien sabe?
Alguien puede ayudarme con relación a que Spotify dara de baja a mis cuentas familiares que por qué detectaron que no vivimos en el mismo domicilio, como puedo solucionar ese problema alguien sabe?
When I send an invite to my son it says he should open a page with
accept invitation. All I get when I click on the link is a sign up to
Spotify page. I have tried sending to various browsers and to a work
machine where Spotify is not installed and t...
When I send an invite to my son it says he should open a page with accept invitation. All I get when I click on the link is a sign up to Spotify page. I have tried sending to various browser...
I'm the head of the account but my sister was rejected from the family
account with any reason last week. When I sent it again the link to make
another subscription, she needs to put our adress, but she just received
that is an incorrect a dress and ...
I'm the head of the account but my sister was rejected from the family account with any reason last week. When I sent it again the link to make another subscription, she needs to put our adress, b...
Hello,At this time i'm beeing charged with €14,99 for using Spotify, I
think thats because I once used Headspace - meditiation. Now I just want
to use Premium for €9,99, but strangely when I look at my account I see
that I don't have Premium. So I pa...
Hello, At this time i'm beeing charged with €14,99 for using Spotify, I think thats because I once used Headspace - meditiation. Now I just want to use Premium for €9,99, but strangely when I look a...
Ciao!Io attualmente un account premium e vorrei passare a
family.L'abbonamento si è rinnovato automaticamente ieri, è possibile
passare a family pagando la differenza oppure devo aspettare il mese
Ciao! Io attualmente un account premium e vorrei passare a family. L'abbonamento si è rinnovato automaticamente ieri, è possibile passare a family pagando la differenza oppure devo aspettare il m...