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In solidarity: Black Lives Matter


In solidarity: Black Lives Matter


I want to remove category mentioned in title from the main screen of my Spotify app. How to do that? I do not want to take a part in any political fights, terrorist organizations or be anyhow connected to them by anyone (especially music app that I am using). Please post step by step solution how to remove/hide that category from my main screen, otherwise I will cancel all my subscriptions till end of the day. 

290 Replies

If you think YouTube don't have any political agenda with the content they're pushing and allowing, boy are you in for a surprise.


I see that Spotify has updated my homepage to remove their support for the terrorist-supporting BLM organisation backed by the likes of Luis Farrakhan who calls Jews termites and other names on a regular basis. Well done, but it shouldn't have been there in the first place. If you guys want to go spend your own money supporting your own political agendas, go right ahead, but don't drag your users into it please, especially without checking what you are supporting first.

Original post:

I am cancelling my paid subscription.

BLM are vocal supporters of Palestinian terrorism and have a history of anti-Semitic comments and anti-Zionist comments. Synagogues are being defaced and Jewish owned businesses being burned in these riots.

If you don't believe me, go look it up. They won't even let Jews march with them unless they are openly 'anti-Zionist' (like a minority of Blacks that oppose the Civil Rights Movement for the purposes of argument).

I will not support an app that supports antisemitism, racism and anti-Zionism and hatred, and it is very insensitive of you to put force that stuff on the main page of your app - and to your paying customers in Israel of all places.

What were you thinking?

Stop jumping on every political bandwagon without using your heads first, and if you actually do support these things, then you can go straight to Hades.

To be clear, you *could* have taken a general stance against racism against African Americans in general and I would have had no issues with that personally, and would even have supported it, but no, you had to go with BLM specifically, and promote their agenda.

Just plain stupid and insensitive.

I'm sure you'll do fine without my 20 shekels a month, but I will sleep better knowing that you are not profiting from anti-Jewish hatred.

Deezer here I come.


Cya, Deezer is no better at all... BLM shoved down the throats of their subscribers, and also these idiotic and grammatically wrong "gender asterisks (Künstler*innen)" in the German version. Look elsewhere - they just copy every BS from Spotify.

Thanks. Noted.

Luckily there are other alternatives like Tidal, Amazon, etc.

The forums may not enjoy the attention from Spotify developers that we think they do, so perhaps if we want Spotify to step up their game and stop pushing politics, we can add a vote and a comment on this topic instead:


Customize Start Screen 


Steps I've taken so far and recommend:

  1. Cancel your Premium subscription, citing the BLM In Solidarity claptrap as the reason
  2. Tweet and push on social media the message below to create true awareness 
  3. Vote for the Customize Start Screen idea
  4. Remember to also comment on the Customize Start Screen idea, making it abundantly clear that you want the option to remove undesirable content such as political and other offensive material from your start screen

Hi @Spotify, as far as I know, I PAY for my premium subscription each month to listen to the music of my choosing. Please don't shove your political agenda down my throat. #myspotifymychoice #backoffwithpolitics

Ok Spotify i warn you yesterday. Today the In solidarity: Black Lives Matter playlist still on my homepage, I've just canceled my premium sub and go to qobuz. You won't do politics with my money.

Hi Spotify,

Like many other people here I just want to make it absolutely clear that as a Premium customer, I do not pay you to inject your app with political messaging such as 'In Solidarity: Black Lives Matter'.

I use Spotify to listen to music and to escape life, not to be submerged into some weird political arena where black nationalism is thrust into my face.

Even if you feel that you can't possibly avoid splashing identity politics onto the Home screen, at least give paying customers the option to remove it.

Politics of any kind has no place on a platform which should be focused solely on music and seeing as there's no way to remove it, I am going to immediately cancel my subscription and find other means of acquiring music.

*If possible, maybe spare a thought or two for the law enforcement officers of all races who have been seriously injured or killed in these disturbances.


Couldn't agree more. I have cancelled my Premium account over this woke nonsense. Please have a look at my previous posts on this topic, as I don't think the forums are productive in bringing this to Spotify's attention at all. Rather go and vote and add a similar comment to Customize Start Screen, and thank you for also seeing through the smoke and mirror pony dog show.

disgusting that spotify forces a political racial issue upon users, and SUPPORTING the crime and theft looting and violence from those in america. SPOTIFY SUPPORTS CRIME AND RACIST BEHAVIOUR

I feel exactly the same... really bad idea for spotify to make a payed subscription to have this kind of wrong use.

I would also like to remove this from my home screen.  The music is not in any way related to music I typically listen to, and I have no interest in the music.


I use Spotify to listen to music and podcasts as a nice escape from all of the bad news in the world.  I don't need or want this on my home page, and I will cancel my subscription in the next few days if this is not fixed.  Thank you.

Please have a look at this thread:


Customize Start Screen 


  1. Cancel your Premium subscription, citing the BLM In Solidarity claptrap as the reason
  2. Tweet and push on social media the message below to create true awareness 
  3. Vote for the Customize Start Screen  idea on that thread
  4. Remember to also comment on the Customize Start Screen  thread, making it abundantly clear that you want the option to remove undesirable content such as political and other offensive material from your start screen

Hi @Spotify, as far as I know, I PAY for my premium subscription each month to listen to the music of my choosing. Please don't shove your political agenda down my throat. #myspotifymychoice #backoffwithpolitics

I would add going to the Play / App store and writing an app review there to express your feelings as I just did.

Agree, so have I. I'm sick of everything being politicised. It needs to stop and every little push back will help, in the long run.

It's even above "recently played", "uniquely yours" and others, as if it should have priority over that. Political propaganda takes priority over my musical preferences? What the f*ck is wrong with you, Spotify?


I'm trying to distance myself from this garbage, yet even the software I'm using merely to listen to music is now forcing it upon me? Yep, I'll find a new service unless it goes away and fast. 

By the way, in order to comment on the Customize Start Screen thread, you need to scroll all the way down. It's not entirely clear, the UI looks different. But I think it's a more productive way of bringing the issue to Spotify's attention. We are not political muppets for their fodder. Just the tunes, man. Screw your protest.

Agreed! Whoever the exec is that thought, "Hey let’s put up a banner with all my ideology on the paid members site (sorry freebies, they control that universe), also to drive it home let’s make sure they cannot remove it too!”


That exec and followers have absolutely no clue why people listen to music in the first place.


I just canceled my Premium, I was thinking to switching to a business level account as well, not just me but bundling it for customers as well.


For me, I do not care about ads, political or otherwise, that’s just radio. What I do care is having control of my music universe without Spotify popping up their ideology. I pay for that universe and unless I ask you to come on in and give me a lecture because I am bored, stay the **bleep** out. I will CHOOSE what I want to hear and see. I will also choose who to give my money to as well.


If Spotify support sees this, let me remind you of your original business plan proposal, if you care enough not to bury this thread. In summation, add lots of content, keep streams high quality and secure platform and user experience. You failed.


Placatory cowards.


Copy your inquiries to the press team, so did I

I have cancelled my Spotify Premium Family Plan as of this morning. Get assaulted with political BS 24/7, listen to music to escape precisely that. Not going to give hard earned money to self-serving virtue signalling corporations. If anyone knows of an apolitocal streaming service am all ears, otherwise just go back to loading good ole' MP3's.......

I did find a bit of a work around, although it should be easier than this. And since Spotify won’t reply I guess I’ll help.


  1. Go to settingsB1C44E0F-5E0E-4C26-9D68-7E039B0C9BC5.jpeg

  2. Click on social512184FC-D8C1-47B0-94D1-FE707BD21CA8.jpeg
  3. Then turn on private sessionA054F80F-1B1D-427D-A0A4-EC8BCF809969.jpeg


  4. And boom it’s all gone!



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