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Question of the Week: Fun facts of the day!


Question of the Week: Fun facts of the day!

Hey Everyone,


Hope you've had a great week - and happy September!

As its the end of the week, it's time for another Question of the week!


Lately, I have been finding some interest in playing a lot of trivia  - and some of these facts really are interesting! (Although I had never thought about them before).

It makes you realise just how much of the world around us we don't know - and just how much random trivia each of us store in our brains, never to be used again! 😆


                                                  So my question to you this week's question is:

                                 What's a random, but interesting and/or astonishing trivia fact you know?


Share your top 1-3 random trivia in the comments below!


Some of my favourites include:

1. Sunflowers love the sun, and will bend and reach in strange shapes in order for its 'face' to be in sunlight - however, when there is no sunlight, sunflowers actually face each other!

2. Only two animals actually like spicy food! (Us, and the tree shrew - which look a bit like squirrels)

3. The 'M's in M&M stand for Mars & Murrie.



Have a great day everyone! 🌻

> BK <

4 Replies

Random trivia?


1) Iceland isn’t covered in ice and Greenland isn’t very green!

2) Before mating, a female Giraffe will first **bleep** in the male's mouth.

3) Tigers have striped skin as well as striped fur.

I will have to revisit this thread later as I cannot think of ANY to safe my life at the moment haha! However, I wanted to share that I've learned something new today. 😆

  1. Point Nemo is a bit of land located in the ocean that is farthest away from the mainland 🐟
  2. On average hair grows 0,4 mm per day, 1,25 cm per month and 15 cm per year 📏
  3. Gummy bears are a German invention 🇩🇪 (although, to be fair, they took inspiration from Turkish delight and Japanese rice candy)
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Great question, @Bella_K!


Here are a few random trivia facts that I thought of (they each relate to music that I enjoy listening to, since I thought this made it easier to choose facts to share, even if it makes them less random in a way):


  • The psychedelic/stoner rock band King Buffalo’s 2021 album Acheron was recorded in an underground cave (Howe Caverns in New York).



  • The psychedelic/krautrock band Alber Jupiter was formed after its two members attended a concert by Föllakzoid together.





  • The psychedelic/stoner rock band Mars Red Sky chose their band name based on a lyric in the song “Dragonaut” by Sleep.






AdamDamonSpotify Star
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