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Efetuei o pagamento via boleto bancário, e minha conta premium não foi liberada

Efetuei o pagamento via boleto bancário, e minha conta premium não foi liberada


Pagamento ia boleto bancario foi efetuado dia 30/10, até o prezado momento minha assinatura premium não foi liberada!


Já segui todos os passos que o site disponibiliza para auxilio, nada mudou!


Por favor, liberem

1 Reply

Hey @mariapalomag.


Thanks for reaching out on the Community. We hope you don't mind us helping you in English, since this is the official Community language 🙂


Hm, that's odd! Are you seeing Free instead of Premium? It might be the case that you've logged into the wrong account. In any case, try logging out and back in again.


If that doesn't work, then perhaps your last payment didn't go through successfully. We recommend you get in touch with our Customer Support team, who will be able to take a look backstage at your account and help you further.


Hope that helps! Let us know how everything goes 🙂

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