Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Meu filho, minha esposa e minha filha foram excluidos da minha conta premium, por não terem visto o email encaminhado, como faço para reincluir eles?
Tengo premium y no me funciona el cambio de cancion pero funciona la musica sin internet ayuda porfa tengo el mes gratis y cambie la contraseña pero sigue sin funcionar ayuda plz
I just upgraded to the premium subscription with the student discount and i was billed twice. Who should I talk to about fixing this?
Today I take spotify premium for 9,99£! But when I check my bank account there was two transactions, one of 9,99£ and one of 4,99£! Could I know what is the second one?
Why am I paying 129kr every month, when it cost 99kr? How long have I paid more than I should? Are you going to pay me back?Annoyed.
I am currently a student at the united states air force acadmey and i am trying to use premium for the student price but it will not allow me.
My wife and I live in the same house, she used to be on my family account but got suddenly kicked out, now I can't add her back. Whenever she tries the invite she gets an error message that the address cannot be confirmed. Please help. This js very f...
Hi,I just hooken up with Spotify Premium via Telia. I have a short term free premium via Spotify, and when I try to connect,Telia tells me it cant, and it might be that I need to discontinue my Premium. But how do I discontinue a free Spotify Premium...
I cancelled my Spotify Premium account on my laptop (my three month trial ended 8/4/2017) however I still have premium on my phone and am not getting charged for it. Obviously I'm not complaining, I'm planning to join a family plan with my cousin, bu...
Estoy en un plan familiar, pero no puedo reproducir mis listas de forma aleatoria, ni puedo regresar o adelantar canciones, me aparece una pantalla invitandome a una cuenta premium!!! Alguien sabe q puedo hacer al respecto? Ya cerre sesion e inicie n...
Hi,I upgraded my account to Premium and I paid with a French credit card but I have the application on my iPhone downloaded from an Italian App Store.I tried to change country but I have to put another credit card.Is there a chance to keep my French ...
HI! Im moving country from Spain to US. How can I keep my Premium account? I guess I should take a US plan? Cheers!Alma
Why can't I download more than 3 people on my Spotify family plan. How do I fix this?
If I close my Spotify premium account and set up a free account will I loose all my playlistsabd saved music?ThanksMonica
Cuando me cambie de movil me desinstale el spotify que tenia en ese movil. Tenía Premium y como no me acuerdo de la contraseña ni del usuario ni el correo, me está cobrando dinero sin utilizar la cuenta. Si sabéis como cancelarmelo sin meterme en la ...
acabo de inscribirme al plan familiar y los componentes no tienen todas las funciones que en mi cuenta premium, a que se debe?
I have been charged under free 30 days premium trial. This cannot be legal?
Mi cuenta es alejandrosev1972Hoy he visto que mi cuenta ha cambiado de premium a family sin solicitarlo. Con el consiguiente cargo en el banco.Nunca lo he solicitado ...¿Como puedo solicitar el reintegro? Ultimamente veo demasiados problemas en spoti...
Signed up for the 30 day trial w my credit card and when I logged onto my account on my iPod Touch it isn't recoginized that I have a premium account. I saved my playlist and it won't let me play next song it tells me to Unlock Premiem so I can liste...
Hey there. I sometimes play Spotify in our shared office space, and my colleagues ask me to play certain songs every now and then. The problem is that these songs affect my weekly playlist, and not in a good way. Is there a way in which I can listen ...