Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Comprei o premium paguei 16,50 e depois usei o students e paguei mais 8,50
I've been using Spotify for over a year now. Even though the payments for premium are supposed to be automatic and I have enough money on my PayPal/Bank account, my premium subscription apparently still ended. If I want to buy Spotify Premium, it onl...
I started my 30 day free trial and so far my wife loves it. We signed up for the premium, but after trying it we are thinking of upgrading to family. If we do so will we lose the 30 day free trial? Thanks
I am a Förvaltare and want too pay Spoyify on a bill or autogiro in Sweden.Is this possible?
I am paying for premium but it is coming up on my account as I have it free, i want to cancel paying for premium as I got an upgrade with my phone company, Vodaphone, which includes premium in my upgrade plan but as my account is set as free I cant c...
Comprei a promoção de 3 meses por $1,99 pelo cartão de crédito, o mesmo foi aprovado e minha conta continua livre. Já desconectei o usuário e entrei de novo e nao atualizou a conta. Como solucionar este problema?
I want to pay for the second month 0,99 euros, but i do not know how. I am still having premium account, but the first month enden on June 29th, and I wasn't prompted to buy the second month. Please help. Thank you in advance
I have 3 months premium, and now I have been offered a 6 months premium from a third party, if I redeem this 6 months offer, will these 6 months be added to the previous 3?
Hello, I want to subscribe to spotify premium together with a friend to share costs. However I noticed that you can not do that with 1 premium account so I started thinking about a family account but do you really have to reside at the same adress if...
Hola ... me suscribí a premium y me cobraron el costo .. pero en mi cuenta aparece como si fuera gratuita .. que puedo hacer ??
I doubled on my card, and my account remains Free. Please solve it.
I paid with a gift card on june 13th and it alreay changed me to free account 13 days befor my account expire
i have noticed im being charged £9.99 for premium and also £14.99 how can i stop this. i want to keep the family £14.99
Hi,I want to cancel my family plan and return my plan to premium.When I access this link to make the change ( I receive a error message saying that something went wrong.I have been trying this for the ...
Toda vez q eu insiro meus dados ele fica num loanding infinito e nao sai para q eu poossa concluir a translaçao mas quando eu troco para o boleto o londin acaba e ja aparece as opçoes para eu escolher me ajudem ai
I am already pay my premium subscription at 29 June, for 1 month, but then yasterday later i check my spotify, it notify me that the subscription payment is failed, but i am already recive the receipt from previous payment. why it happend? it's not e...
Hello,I have renewed my subscription thrice (inadvertently) for a student discount for I needed to add the transcript of my grades in PDF, in which I have done via .PNG format, however, this caused Spotify to withdraw the annual payment thrice from m...
Wife's account payment linked to Spotify partner "Base" - how to disconnect? My wife started out on spotify premium using a cell phone plan from the Belgian operator "Base" which included spotify. The plan is now changed to a cheaper one and we have ...
Mijn spotify premium abonnement liep na het verzilveren van mijn giftcards tot 28-3-2018. Later zag ik een aanbieding van 3 maanden spotify premium en headspace voor 9,99 euro en daarna voor 14.99 euro/mnd....maar nu loopt mijn abonnement ineens maar...
Hi! I have seen a special offer, 0.99 turkish lira for 3 months and paid for it. I can see the payment on my bank account. However now, after almost 1 month, my premium subscription has not been started.Please can you help me?