Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Intento pagar una subscripción y me dice que el error es con mi tarjeta , ya intente con distintas tarjetas y no me deja , el banco dice que todo esta bien asi que es problema de spotify y me urge pagar la subscripción
Hi, I'm from México and I just paid an offer of 3 months of spotify for 9 pesos. But actually I just want this three months and then cancel, but I feel like I'm going to forget that and keep paying after that. If I cancel now, I will go back to free?...
Hello, can someone explain me how i can get a family premium account after 3 months of premium for 0.99€ instead of a normal premium subscription? thx, Gizmo
Hello, I am living in Poland but in few days I will go back to France. I changed my country throught the payment method and I putted a French Bank Card. But, on my account, I still see Poland and "You account will be charged of 19.99 zloty on the 06/...
If I sign up for Premium family, do I still get the 3 months for $0.99, or is that just for a single user?
Mi problema es que se ingresa bien la direccioón de la sucripcion de mi plan familiar en la cuenta a la que le envío el link de invitación pero dice que no se puede comprobar la dirección.¿Por qué si ingreso bien la dirección en la cuenta a través de...
Me gustaria saber porque se me esta realizando un cobro doble de $149. Anteriormente no tenía este problema pero van dos meses que se me esta cobrando $300. Anexo capturas del cobro doble el cual solo varía por minutos, en la pagina solo tengo la vig...
Ya pague por mi cuenta de Spotify familiar pero no he podido agregar a los miembros del plan familiar con los cual compartia la misma cuenta
AyudaAl momento de iniciar el plan familiar me salió un recuadro que decía: algo salió mal intentelo despues, entonces recargue la página y ahora si me salió que ya tenía la subscripción, sólo me dio un recibo y dice en el apartado de membresia que s...
İ pay for two accounts 0,99 lira but i can't use premium account. Help me please.
Been charged to much on My account for premium. How do I contact Spotify for redunding and getting the right amount next time?
Im trying to download yet it kept on asking that i should go premium. Im already a premium accountholder and this is yet to be the 3rd device that ill be using as i deleted my old mobile on the list of offline devices. Assistance pls thanks
Hola, spotify automaticamente me puso el premium 7 dias gratis y ahora me salio 3 meses a 1€ y pues los pague pero ahora me sale que se cobrara 9,99€ el 24 de este mes. Es un bug?
So today i tryed to get the new subscription ,but i didnt realise i didnt have any money in my card , so it told me "bad day .. you havent been charged".I went to the bank got the money in , checked they were in .Went home tryed again an it sayd "You...
Trying to get the .99 cent for 3 months deal but it's says I have already tried this deal but I've never tried premium before. It also says the offer ends June 26 so the offer is not expired
Hi,1. I have a new bank card, how do I load my new Bank card details to my account?2. Also I have two accounts, I'm not sure which one has all my music on it. Please help.... thanks
I got a new phone but I used the same Spotify account and my premium isn't working and I tried to pay for it again but it doesn't work
Hi. I was looking student premium offer but I wasn't finished the payment. Then I found I am not eligible, I changed to another offer but in my bank transaction 2 times fined. Oddly only premium one appeared on my account. I couldn't find any neither...
Tenho conta Premium, mas troquei de celular e baixei o aplicativo, mas diz que minha conta é a Free, e eu pago pelo Premium.Como faço para comprar figurar para o Premium novamente?Esse mês já foi descontado a conta Premium do meu cartão.Quero minha c...
Is there anyway to do this? I just don't want my card to be charged again if I switch to student because I've already paid for this month the regular $10.81 Any help appreciated