Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
So I've been trying to get the student discount, they needed some verification that I haven't finished and then I found out I already got charged for the subscription. I tried to contact their twitter @spotifycares but I haven't gotten a single respo...
Tenho conta Premium no Spotify, ela é cobrada automaticamente pelo cartão de crédito que está registrado no meu PS4. Recentemente ela parou de funcionar, mas ela continua funcionando no PS4 mas não no Celular. Já tentei diversas formas para conseguir...
Me descontou 10 reais no cartão duas vezes sem ter completado a compra em nenhuma das duas vezes, quando apareceu que já tinha usado os 30 dias antes eu cancelei a compra e mesmo assim apareceu um desconto de 10,00 duas vezes e continuo com conta Fre...
Olá, me chamo ThiagoO caso que ocorre é o seguinte... Veio na minha fatura a cobrança mesmo tendo pago estavam me notificando que eu não havia pago e agora minha assinatura foi pausada...Troquei de cartão porque tinha expirado... se eu atualizar os d...
Arkadaşlar kart bilgilerini giriyorum telefonuma şifre geliyor onu giriyorum öyle bekliyor hiçbir şey olmuyor. Biraz araştırıp okuduğum her şeyi denedim dns vpn gizli sekme başka tarayıcı telefondan pc den vs yazılan her şeyi yaptım hala durum aynı v...
Witam, Wzialem udzial w promocji Citybank z karta kredytowa i chcialbym, aby jeszcze w tym miesiacu pobrana zostala ode mnie oplata miesieczna za subskrypcje premium. Mialem aktywowana opcje premium na zasadzie bezplatnego 30-dniowego okresu probnego...
Después de aprovechar la oferta de 3 meses de Premium por $9 dejé que se cobrara el siguiente mes para mantener el servicio por $99; Sin embargo al revisar mi cuenta de banco noté que el mes se cobró 2 veces ($198). Ya pasaron 2 dias y no he recibido...
Hola compre una tarjeta de prepago el domingo a las 5 de la tarde, la abone sin problema todo funciono bien, pero para el lunes en la mañana ya no aparecia el abono. era la renovacion de mi cuenta. que puedo hacer.. quiero contactar al servicio en DF...
Hola compre una tarjeta de prepago el domingo a las 5 de la tarde, la abone sin problema todo funciono bien, pero para el lunes en la mañana ya no aparecia el abono. era la renovacion de mi cuenta. que puedo hacer.. quiero contactar al servicio en DF...
My card has been charged twice last month and now twice this month this is a joke i feel like cancelling ive only one account why is this happening?????
Hey guys, I hope someone can answer this; haven't been able to find answers yet... Spotify was unable to deduct the latest fee so I changed my payment details. When will it try to deduct the fee again? I'm afraid my premium account will stop working ...
Hello guys! I've made a mess. I've activated the 7 days try period of Spotyfy cause I've accidentally clicked on the popup. I would like to cancel the activation, so I looked at the faq but when I go to the subsciption's section, there's no possibilt...
Hello,I bought me a premium card for 10€ in a supermarket and now I have the problem that my code doesn't work. It says that my code would be invalid. I really need help!thank you in advance!!
Getting charged twice in two different days on my card why's that happening The total headed up to $54.84 please help
Hello, Why are my family members being removed from my family account if address is the same? I've tried to confirm my account address but it only shows the Zip code, not full address.
Hello, I would like to get the premium version for me, private person NOT FOR A COMPANY. Is it possible? I live and work in Austria.Thank you!Leticia De Faria
I bought the 3month trial for 99¢ back in December. Two days ago, it charged me full price, as my trial had ended. Is there anyway to get a refund for the full price, as I dont want the service anymore.
Hello I just bought premium accidentally! I was in a free trial and a pop up just appeared and I accidentally clicked something which I didn't read. Then I got an email saying I just payed 10£!!! It's amazing how bad the security here is.Can I get my...
So, ive had spotify for about 14 months of PREMIUM SERVICE acording to my paypal log. And for the last month, i have lost my email and password as it was changed to a new email which was lost. All i want now, after haveing a charge of 9.99 on my new ...
I pay money every month to have premium, but suddenly I can only use it like its a normal account (free). Whats going on, Im logged in with my account and I checked if the payment worked and it did. I don't know what to do.