Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Plz help cause as far I know right now spotify is stealing money
I searched for that but wasn't able to find a definitive answer. I know that when my subscription expires, I will not be able to keep listening to the songs offline. What I want to know is will they be deleted and will I have to download them again w...
Bonjour, hier je me suis abonné à Spotify. J'ai payé 8,99 euros. (Réduction psplus)Par contre je n'ai pas profité des 30 jours d'essai gratuit... (J'ai vu cette offre après coup)Je peux toujours bénéficier de cette offre?Cordialement
Hola, tengo una cuenta de spotify unida con Facebook e hice un plan familiar desde febrero. El problema es que se rechazó el método de pago, tardé en dar de alta el cambio a otra tarjeta y se dio de baja a mi familia de plan. Acabo de pagar con la nu...
No puedo pagar mi mensualidad, exigo un mes gratis.
Hi, I register for a try of 60 days of premium. A first page tell me that my try will end on 2018 june the 14th and the second sceen says that my try will end on 2018 april the 19th! What can I do ? someone can help me thanks in advance:) ( please se...
Hi ! sorry can I get help please ! ,,Dookie feat Auburn & Chevyboy feel your touch''I can't find this song !
Entre al portal para elegir el tipo de pago de mi preferencia y escogí oxxo porque me decía que así podría conseguir premium por 2 meses. Cuando me saco mi código de inmediato fui a pagarlo. Regresando a casa le di continuar y me sale una leyenda: El...
Bonjour je ne peut pas payer avec ma carte de credit donc je voudrait savoir si il est possible de payer mon abonnement avec un RIB et comment faire ?Merci d'avance.
My wife cant join my family premium subscription. WHat the **bleep** is going on? she has used it for a couple of months and today she gets a error when trying to use it. it says she is not allowed to join the family group. We live on the same adress...
Em maio assinei o plano premium por um mês e estava rolando uma promoção onde você pagava um mês e recebia 2, ai hoje o meu plano premium acabou e só passou um mês, como posso resolver?
Varför har min premiumtjänst bara upphört?
Good afternoon, I just signed the premium and asked for the student discount, but after saying that it could take up to three (3) days for confirmation, my account is still in the free version. What can I do to fix it?
It has been so frustrating for Premium for Family. If I listen to music my daughters will stop and vice versa. There is no help from Spotify ... why is this happening. My payment went through
Buenas tardes. Estoy enviando la invitación a un familiar pero si su dispositivo no lo acepta. Anteriormente ya estaba en el plan y fe la nada lo saco.
No puedo agregar a mis familiares dentro del plan, y no se por que sucede eso, es un tema muy incómodo que pase ya que yo hago el pago puntual a spotify, por favor necesito ayuda con esto.
I've had the premium free trial in the past. I'm trying to subscribe but there's no way to get to it without going through trial, when I do this and I try using my paypal I just get sent back to the original page where it wants me to re do it. All I ...
In the last two months Spotify withdrawed two times 9,99 € from my credit card. I never used Spotify!! How can I block the Spotify account that is using my card? And how can I receive a refund?Please answer...
Received notification from spotify that payment did not go through and to update payment info. Tried 5 different debit cards after spotify informed me to please find another form of payment when it always took it before. Also said they will try to ru...
My premium account was logged out and now I can only get back into my free account . HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I merge them?