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How do I turn off the ai dj

How do I turn off the ai dj

The ai dj aromatically turned on but I don't want it, does anyone know how to get rid of it?
276 Replies

Please give users the option to turn off the DJ voice. It's an absolutely terrible feature. 

just me checking in for the 2984th time to see if shutting off the narration is possible yet...

any movement on this? looks like it's a pretty popular request.

From this and other issues I see in the forums, it's evident that customer opinion and satisfaction is not a driving factor in Spotify's development strategy.

I changed the voice to Spanish

Do spotify mods always have to act like the problem is hard to understand or advise to just not use the problematic parts of their service?


My problem (aside from the voice being totally unnecessary to the functionality) is that he is often LOUDER than my music that follows. Like what? How can spotify have support threads that are THIS old and nothing is ever done? I'm going to chat with my family in my plan about seeking alternatives.

The DJ is good, but there should be the option for it not to talk AT ALL!  

I dont like the DJ feat, please let people choice

I enjoy the DJ mix but not the voice. I can't understand who at Spotify thought that adding a voice would be a great idea, and then chose that particular voice!
I have a workaround, I just stream the DJ mix to a Sonos speaker because, thankfully, it seems that Sonos does not allow the voice. Please Sonos never agree to the DJX voice 🙂 Spotify, please get your act together on this one - just give us the ability to turn off the voice, one switch is all it takes! You can then monitor how popular it is 🙂

To be clear this is not a solution this just avoids the problem, please can we have the ability to use the AI playlist feature without the annoying voice!

let me get this straight - there is no solution?

The DJ is super annoying. He sounds like an **bleep**.  What a ridiculous system.  Give us different voice choices and allow us to have no voice at all.  Not that hard Spotify!  ALWAYS BE IMPROVING!

This is a horrible feature. We pay to listen to what we choose to listen to. Dj is annoying 


The fact that this issue has been outstanding for as long as it has, tells us all about Spotify's management.   These forums are largely to keep customers placated -- but I am willing to bet that Spotify rarely, if ever, takes these seriously.   There are other long-standing issues here, with no meaningful change.   It's just how their business model works, for the time being.


As is always the case, Spotify dominates its space for now.  But someone will come up with a better "mouse trap" and that will change.  Seems to always happen that way.   That, or they get acquired and "new management" comes in and fires and lays off the people who were involved in these bad business decisions 🙂

I'm going back to Old School Hi Fi ! - I like being in control.

Spotify is just becoming too cluttered with no options to turn off features.

I'm wondering what else there might be out there !

The DJ feature is fun because it'll keep shuffling songs for longer than any of the "For You" playlists, that end after a few hours.  However, I hate the AI DJ voice that interrupts and makes quips throughout.  I'd way prefer some setting to DISABLE THE DJ VOICE, while still allowing for the endless playlist/shuffle features of the DJ mode.  This used to be how it worked when playing the DJ to Echo speaker groups, but now the dumb voice works over those too 😞

That’s what we’ve been trying to say here BoFis!! What is wrong with the Spotify people do they WANT to drive us nuts? A simple kill the voice option can’t be that hard surely?😤

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