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Introducing Smart Shuffle!

Introducing Smart Shuffle!

Introducing Smart Shuffle! 


We know that our users love creating their own playlists to capture key moments in time – in fact, playlists created by users often become their most-streamed playlist for the first several months but listening to these playlists slowly fades overtime, and users are eager to discover new music.


With this in mind, we’re excited to launch a new play mode called Smart Shuffle that keeps listening sessions fresh and provides personalized recommendations that perfectly match any listeners’ playlist vibe. 


This update will roll out to Premium users on mobile devices starting today.


How does Smart Shuffle work?

  • You can use it in any playlist created by you, and your Liked Songs.
  • To activate it, just use the Shuffle button to switch between regular play, Shuffle mode and Smart Shuffle.
  • When Smart Shuffle is on, recommendations are added to your session automatically. You can find all the recommendations sitting in your queue.
  • You will be able to recognize the music we are recommending with the sparkle () symbol next to the track. For a playlist with more than 15 songs, we’ll recommend one song for every three tracks.
  • And the best part, your original playlist remains untouched, so you can add any new track that catches your ear.
  • If you like a specific recommendation, just save it using the plus button in the Now Playing View. If that song doesn’t hit right, just tap the minus to remove it from the recommendations. This is then used to better adjust the suggestions we put forward.
  • Every time you turn Smart Shuffle off, a new mix will be available every time you activate it again.



Introductory pageIntroductory pageHow the queue will lookHow the queue will look



Adding and removing recommendations.




Different playback options.




What about the Enhance feature?

For now, Smart Shuffle will replace the Enhance feature.


What will happen to Discover Weekly and other regularly updated playlists?

For the time being, no changes to those will be made. Smart Shuffle aims to improve the listening experience for user curated playlists.


Does this mean that using Smart Shuffle will cause my carefully curated playlists to get cluttered with new recommendations?

No! Your original playlist remains untouched, so you can add any new track that catches your ear. Smart Shuffle won’t change your playlist without your explicit permission. What changes instead is what you'll hear during each specific listening session



We hope you're as excited as we are about this new play mode. The official Newsroom announcement is out, you can check that out too. For any and all feedback on the matter you may have, you're more than welcome to comment in the thread below.

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1,297 Replies

I also hate this new “feature” and would rather shuffle just be shuffle.. Apple Music is looking kind of nice tbh 

Please add the menu option to permanently turn off smart playlists. I carefully curate my 25 playlists. That’s why I moved to Spotify three years ago. If I want to listen to radio, I can go to Pandora or Sirius XM. Thanks!

It’s an awful feature! I hope it goes soon!

Absolutely awful update! 
Hopefully they get rid of it soon!

It’s completely unnecessary and quite frankly annoying. 
Sort it out Spotify! 

It seems that the normal shuffle no longer works on my ipas. Only the smart shuffle works and I agree with the above comments. I am seriously planning to leave Spotify and go to Apple Music. It becoming a PITA

I listen to my playlists in shuffle. I absolutely do not want your recommender system interfering with my listening. This is a disaster!

I really really hate it! I can‘t believe somebody thought this was a good idea! Seriously thinking on switching to apple


Just want to add my vote for removal or disablement of this feature - it is not at all useful or wanted, and to implement it (even as a test) without a toggle is truly bizarre.

Please at least have a button to disable this option. It’s very very annoying. It’s also very buggy.
Exemple :

* says it’s on normal shuffle but is on smart shuffle.

* says shuffle is off but is either on normal or smart shuffle.


Quite disappointed

So apparently unlike everyone else I’m a huge fan of smart shuffle. Although as of yesterday it no longer asks me if I want it on (it is not currently on) . I can’t find anything about it on google or in the Spotify settings, can anyone help with this?

Just use the enhance button. It’s very similar from what I understand. 

Yes enhance is a similar feature to the over-glorified shuffle, as is/was
radio based on a play-list.

So does ‘enhanced’ turn the horrible shuffle off? If so, the semantics are

I’ve found now if you turn off the repeat button on right then the normal shuffle works ok

I’m almost positive that the smart shuffle was already there and they just advertised it as something new, because for years I’ve had issues of constantly getting the same songs over and over again and never hearing others. I loved the update, completely solved the problem, but now it’s gone again. I’d really appreciate having it back!

Literally I got 70 hours worth of songs and at the start smart shuffle is good but after a while it’s so annoying just plays the same tunes or genre of music over and over it’s that bad whenever I put the shuffle on I already know which songs are going to play it only ever changes a bit when u add a new song to your playlist please just let us have an option to either have smart shuffle or normal shuffle it’s so annoying literally same songs on shuffle for the past year now also why can’t u make it how it is on pc for phones like being able to see when songs were added to playlist and when playlists are made and how many songs are in the playlist and not just the total time on how long the playlist is literally the most easy stuff also Spotify never seems to get any cool stuffed I’d like to see  like if u liked or added a song/artist to favourites when they had under 500k listeners or song had under 500k plays then they blew up you get like an award and it goes in your account like an award system and add stuff like if someone’s listened to artist/song for so many hours that goes in your awards on your account or if u listen to a certain genre for a long time and shows who in that genre u listen to the most and shows minutes/hours all music apps can easily be so much better I get if u just wanna keep it simple like just for music but u could always make another app and make it more interesting and interactive, and like the artist could see an account and there awards or who has listened to there music the most would be cool and more money if they make another app which is more interactive or something and no one has ever done it could be way bigger than just a music app could be on the same status as Instagram and Twitter personally if I had the money I would do it music apps are so underachieving 


I liked the smart shuffle and I cannot find it anymore… different people different opinions 😁

The *idea* of a smart shuffle is fine, but the UX really is inexcusable. Adding an option that you can enable but not disable...? That's just obviously wrong and incredibly lazy on the part of the feature team who added this. Absolutely guaranteed to frustrate your users.


Hey, you know how the repeat button has three states: off, repeat all, and repeat single track? Repeat single track adds a numeral '1' adornment to the repeat icon. How about the same thing for shuffle: off, shuffle, and smart shuffle? Just come up with a suitable adornment for the shuffle icon so we can see that it's in smart shuffle mode as distinct from regular shuffle. I'd suggest a little light bulb adornment.

I would like shuffle to just work. CONSTANTLY, NEARLY 100% OF THE TIME, I put on shuffle + Repeat-all, it literally and I counted, oy plays a maximum of 20 songs, usually only 15. I want to use this when I'm doing yard work and having the same 15 songs in a Playlist of 300+ play over and over again is infuriating. Usually averages about an hour of shuffle memory. It seems. Have premium, on android 12, playlist songs are saved on device, LG V60. Over wifi and 4g this happens. 

I’ve made hundreds of Spotify playlists over the years and today out of the blue they ALL have been automatically switched to shuffle!
This is so ridiculous that it seems like some terrible corporate idea of an April Fool’s joke — or like when iTunes surprised everyone by “giving” them that U2 album without asking.
Look, I understand that some people may want want to enable shuffle on some playlists, BUT MANY OF US SET

UP OUR PLAYLISTS TO PLAY SONGS IN A SPECIFIC ORDER. For many if not most of us, that is literally the point of making a playlist.

This is a music app — did no one in the company realize how unbelievably wrongheaded this idea was? There are books and movies and magazine articles about music heads making mixtapes and playlists. The point is to have the songs play in a specific order — not at random!

PLEASE remove this automatic switch to shuffle, as soon as possible.


Maybe it’s just me but instead of showing a popup it would be better if first tap on shuffle icon turns shuffle on, second tap turns smart shuffle on and third tap turns shuffle off. Would be faster. 

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