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Release Radar includes wrong artist with same name as desired artist

Release Radar includes wrong artist with same name as desired artist

I constantly find my Release Radar recommending songs by an artist (say A) with the same name as an artist (say A') that I might actually wanna listen to. This is extremely dumb as an issue because these two artists are listed as genuinely different artists in Spotify and the newly recommended song by a wrong artist is listed as a song of A' in the system. A reasonable conclusion is that at least Release Radar does not look into the artist IDs but just merely refers to their names. This happens to like 5 different artists to me and my Release Radar is contaminated by songs which I have absolutely no interest in. I believe this is a very basic bug that can be fixed in like 5 minutes.

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Here's an as short as possible version of a previous post in this thread, explaining the behavior of the Release Radar.


  • I receive tracks from artists I don't follow at all in my Release Radar - This is intended and we don't plan on changing this. The Release Radar doesn't only help you keep track of artists you follow, but is meant to allow you to discover new music from others we think you might enjoy. It is also one way for Spotify to help artists get their music noticed.


  • I get music that I don't enjoy at all in my Release Radar - This means our algorithm doesn't know your music taste so well. There can be many reasons behind this, but the rule of thumb to improve the music you receive in the automatically generated playlists for you is to listen to music without a private session, use the like and hide features, have more intentional music listening habits rather than opportunity based and when you discover something new that you enjoy, listen to it proportionally more than other content. Following these guidelines should give you better recommendations in time. It will still not be perfect and it can vary from person to person, but we're constantly improving these as we go.


  • I get tracks from artists that are named exactly the same as ones I follow and enjoy, but it turns out the track is unrelated to that artist and they only have the same name. - This happens if a track initially gets erroneously uploaded to the artist you follow. It can be that the error is already corrected by the time your Release Radar updates, but it already captured the track on its upload. It can happen with featured artists as well. Currently, there's no technical solution in place than can prevent errors like this happening, as we rely on submitted metadata. If you spot an incorrect content, it's best to report it as described here. Make sure your report is clear. If you can't find an artist profile with the same name as the one you follow, it probably hasn't been created yet and is part of the reason the error occurred. Point that out in your report to ensure it can be processed efficiently.
326 Replies

Hi, in my Realese Radar there is often songs with artists with the same name as some of my favourite artists. For example, I like Budgie (the rock group) very much, and today there were listed an artist with the same name, in a complete different genre. This new artist is also listed under the original name Budgie. There must be a way to sort artists with the same name in unique posts! Other keys to sort artists ,except name, could be original release year, record company and exsisting songtitles.

With Kind Regards  

User: ö-a


Every week in the release radar a few tracks will appear with an artist I follow as a feature... The problem is the artist does not feature, this is obviously a way the content creator is trying to trick the system for more plays. Spotify sort out the verification process on these artists with very little streaming figures featuring prominent artists!

More than three years on and Spotify refuses to address this. It's entirely impractical to expect users to manually report every wrong upload one by one. This is a systemic issue that needs to be addressed with software and process. Give each artist a unique ID with a password token they must provide when submitting any music. The token can be can be given to 3rd party services like Distrokid, Tunecore, etc. Allow creation of secondary tokens to share with featuring/collab artists that can be turned off if needed.  Make this a requirement for any and all releases and you solve the problem overnight. 

I don't have time to report every time the wrong artist with the same name happens. Your back end / uploading interface needs to be improved so whoever uploads doesn't make this mistake. We don't work for you Spotify. You work for us paying subscribers. This stupid "Camel Toe" song was on my homepage on the app several days in a row. It's still in this discography. This is not in the right artist profile and I'm not submitting it in your form because the last time I did it, weeks later I was still getting songs PUSHED to my profile as suggestions from the wrong artist. The form is not worth it. Pay someone to fix this at the source. ITS BEEN YEARS OF THIS ISSUE.


wrong artist still.


All of these are wrong and they have filled up my notifications. Why is Spotify so bad at keeping these separate?

Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 1.45.28 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-04-02 at 1.44.50 PM.png



I just spent 10 minutes trying to explain the problem to someone in chat support. There should just be a button with common categorization problems if you are putting the burden on the user to report this stuff (problematic but at least make it easier if you're gonna be like that)

I hade the same **bleep** artist in my lists (fake ISIS). And this week there was song after song with "ELECTRIC WIZARD". Obviously not the real one. I don't think it's a mistake. It's fake artists piggybacking real artists, and I really hope the real bands sue the **bleep** out of both the fake artists (if they can track them down) and Spotify for letting this happen. Then Spotify might do something about. Money talks ...


I don't use Release Radar, since it's just like passing by a high street display window. Paid advertisments that has nothing to do with what I listen to. I use the Crabhands service that creates a playlist with new releases from artists you follow, but unfortunately they don't catch the fake artists either.

Haha! You are not allowed to say "c    r  aa pp" on the Spotify forums !?!? Replaced by **bleep** Jesus, is everyone in the world 6 years old suddenly?

This has been an ongoing problem, never ends, crazy how Spotify has not addressed it. I got 3 of these fake artists in my radar this week! Infuriating to hear some garbage music I'd never listen to show up in my radar, and then see it's some scam copying a real artists name. Then I click the name and it brings me to the real artist's page.

50% of the first ten songs in my release radar playlist are fake (the grey out ones):



How is possible that Spotify doesn't find a way to avoid these scams artists?

Yes! I had that same scammer Lewenzo! I hate those scammers so much. Spotify don't even allow you to report them

1. display the artist's full name & country on their page/profile.

2. make sure spotify sytem only detects artists with the correct full name & country in this playlist.

Alright so here's another one. My RR just showed me 3 tracks by this person I have no interest in, a small artist, like a poet. And the reason why I think is because there are OTHER bigger, much bigger artists name on his songs but, it turns out, there's no music at all and he's just spoken-wording there, and guess what, no, those artists are not even involved in the craft of those lyrics because, they are mostly breakbeat (mostly but not always instrumental music with vocal samples from say, hip hop) acts, uhmm, is there something wrong here or is it? Anyone can shed any light?




United States of America


iPhone 12/PC

Operating System

iOS 16.6/Windows 11


Over the few years I've been using Spotify, I've noticed that for several jazz artists, duplicate profiles exist, often with considerable content not apart of the primary profile. Not only is this confusing but it lowers the listening rates of these artists and makes other releases harder to locate. I am aware that this may be a licensing issue and out of Spotify's control but I thought I would note them anyway. While I've seen this question pop up multiple times and read the responses, I didn't bother contacting "Spotify for Artists" since I am not one, just an observer. Here are some examples:


Duke Ellington:



Coleman Hawkins:



Count Basie:



Stan Kenton:



Oscar Peterson:



Thelonious Monk



John Coltrane



Miles Davis:



Again, just thought I'd point this out as this situation isn't exactly user-friendly.

Spotify - fix this now, you're letting scammers onto your platform. It's very obvious to see which ones to filter out, you can open the track menu and hit "Show Credits", the source is "<some digits> Records DK".


All the legitimate tracks have well known record labels, and the scam ones are coming from this Records DK


Spotify - ban Records DK now you glacial toad.

So as the title says, this week my Release Radar was overwhelmed by fake artists with their 90 second songs, collaborating with famous bands and/or artists in order to "cheat" the system and get onto people's personalized playlist feed.


The question is: how is this happening without Spotify moderation blocking it in the first place? It's so bizarre that someone can just create an artist account, publish a song in collaborationg with i.e. Metallica and no approval is needed. Next thing you know, all Metallica fans have a new song from their favourite group which is a 90 second long boring trap beat.


Down below I will publish further information on my setup and account if that can help at all.









Desktop Windows 10, Samsung M52 Mobile


Hope this helps, I attached a screenshot too with the THREE songs that appeared this week.

Screenshot 2023-09-02 131828.png

This has been happening for the better part of half a year. My release radar is getting littered with mixed versions of songs from random radio shows I never listen to.

The songs are usually to my taste, but aren't the correct, original versions. I feel like the remove button is just for show, since regardless of my constant effort to clean my release radar, they come back in force, kinda like how the Hydra just grows two more heads when you cut one.

I'd prefer never to receive these songs in my recommended mixes anymore, since listening to these versions don't make any sense outside of their own mixes. If I wanted to listen enTc to mix cuts, I wouldn't pay for a legit music streaming service.

I don't think there's been a week where I haven't had at least one of these creep up on me.

Please fix the remove functionality and/or stop recommending mix cuts altogether. Thanks.


Good morning,


A lot of fake songs on my discover weekly, mainly Afrobeat / Afrohouse. Using fake artist names. 


No other way to contact you, so messaging here.



I think they don't care - as always.

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