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Disable autoplay when connected to Bluetooth

Disable autoplay when connected to Bluetooth

Give an option to not play music when connected to a Bluetooth device like the car. The android client has this why not iphone?

This issue has been brought up in 2018, 2019, and 2020 and the mods keep saying it's a user issue and to reinstall. Please stop lying to us as its a spotify feature issue. 

40 Replies

That's partially correct.

Yes, some car stereos do send the media play signal, which is a different kind of annoying, and in that case your solution works. But also you know if this is the case, when it happens with other streaming media players, for example with Podcast Addict.


But there is another use case, which happens in my case, where this sequence happens:

1. I'm not listening to anything at all

2. Turn on my car -> Bluetooth connects

3. Still no audio is playing

4. I open Spotify on my phone

5. Whatever was playing last, blasts out at whatever volume is set on the radio


This has scared me shitless many times and woken up my son in multiple occasions! This happens ONLY with any car bluetooth (not bluetooth headphones and not bluetooth speakers) and this happens ONLY with spotify (not podcast addict, not youtube, not soundcloud and not vlc media player)! 


When I am working with my headphones on I like to listen to speed metal. When I put my 4-year old son asleep in the back seat of my car and open spotify I want to choose some relaxing music to play and not give him a heart attack and nightmares!


So your solution with intercepting the media play signal works for the scenario you are describing but I highly doubt that the stereo is sending the media play signal on every app you open on your phone (as evidence by no other media app behaving the same). This is DEFINITELY a spotify app issue and a SUPER ANNOYING one!

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