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Lyrics Setting Missing

Lyrics Setting Missing

After signing up for Premium the toggle option to see available Lyrics / Behind the Lyrics is missing. 


I have deleted and reinstalled the app, deleted the cache, and I'm on the latest version of iOS. 


Yes, I realize lyrics is not available for every song, yet now I don't have the option for any songs. 


The attachment shows all available options, nothing exists below Canvas. 


Any ideas? 


Thanks for any help you may offer! 


Plan Premium

Country USA 


Device (iPhone XR)

Operating System (iOS 13.1.2)



1 Reply

Hey @Nstincts, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!

As you said yourself, they are not available for every song.

That option is gone but the songs that do support Genius interpretaions will always be shown (even when that option was available it was only for showing Genius interpretaions over the album art work or not), with the UI redesign of the Now Playing Screen you will find Genius interpretaions if you scroll down.


Hope it helps 🙂

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