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Turn off spotify connect?

Turn off spotify connect?

Hi, I'd like to know how to turn off spotify connect, it is not a function I like to have turn on automatically when it detects other devices in the network.
Many thanks
92 Replies

The short answer currently is you can't.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Help!! Spotify Connect doesnt seem to be working? How do I turn it on? I am trying to listen to music between my Ipad and Iphone on a BOSE docker


Are you following the steps here?!/article/Spotify-Connect

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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The problem is that now my wife and I cant listen to different music at the same time...

You shouldn't have been able to do that before Spotify Connect either. Spotify only offers single user accounts, so you can only ever stream on one device at a time on each account.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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thanks Peter, is there a plan from Spotify to make us decide whether or not we want it?

this funtion doesn't work for me, now my active devices are constantly connecting, which i think is not battery friendly. and if i have to go offline then that defies the porpuse of having online library.



I use an Ipad and stream spotify to AppleTV, BUT suddenly it's started also playing the music on my (Android Galaxy Note 3) phone at the same time, and it's sending me mad! I don't want my darn phone playing music, why on earth would anyone want this pointless function? I can send music out my phone woop! WTF is the point of that?! It's dumb rubbish and I want it gone or Spotify is going. I have force closed spotfiy on my phone, reset my phone, the only way to stop the darn sync is to turn off all data connections.. I was out the other day, and I could control the music my wife was playing at home via the Ipad! WHY WOULD I WANT TO DO THIS!!??


How do I get rid of it?

There is currently no way to disable Spotify Connect I'm afraid to say. However it should only start playback on another device if you explicitly select it to. Is this not the case for you?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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No. I have repeatedly tried disconnecting both devices. If i select music on the iPad, the phone automatically starts playing. If I pause music on phone all stops. If I select phone as output source instead of iPad, music goes to the phone. If I select only iPad it still keeps playing on the phone, no sound of course. It's mental. I hate it with a passion. It's always on, I never connect it. It's clearly Spotify way of trying to stop people using 1 account with several devices. Only way I see it is to keep turning phone into offline mode all the time.

Not to mention the additional data usage

When you say devices are constantly connecting, which devices are you using?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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It's weird, I get what you are saying but I only ever find issue with my android devices since Spotify seems to run all the time on it. On my iPhone and iPad, if Spotify isn't playing (even if connect is active) once the app goes to the background it becomes unavailable.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I was sitting on the bus on the way to work this morning, listening to a playlist I created on Spotify. My device kept connecting to someone else's device and started playing their music, which was must have happened about six times. 

How can I prevent this from happening?

Someone else must be using your account.

Change your password and then post over on this topic for a forced log out:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I would very much like to be able to disable this connect feature. I listen to fast-paced music on my android when I'm at the gym, and chill stuff when I'm dissertating on my ipad. I just sat down at a coffee shop after the gym, plugged my headphones into my iPad, and hit the play button on my wireless keyboard. I expected my iPad to play what it had been playing before I left for the gym. Instead, my iPad plays nothing, and my phone starts blasting the fast-paced stuff I was listening to at the gym, annoying everyone in the coffee shop. I pull up my iPad spotify app and see that the connect feature has automatically turned on. Apparently, there's no way to make this feature act otherwise. Apps should be under the user's control, not the other way around.

I am finding this quite annoying too.


I was on the bus trying to stream a song on my phone, and the player started rolling, but with no sound.

After multiple tries, I got a call from my wife that was wondering why the heck our Nexus 7 pad started playing the same song over and over again. I asked her to turn the pad off, and then I got my music.


I hope this is an issue that will be adressed quickly, since I often use Spotify from the phone in my car, and then I want to hear the music there, and not at home, where only our cat can hear it...

I HATE!!!!! this feature... It's constantly trying to connect to random devices, playing music from other devices, disrupting my playlists... Did I already say I HATE!!!! this feature?!? Just like Bluetooth or Wifi I should be able to disable this option, so it's not connecting to passing strangers, trying to connect unwanted to my smartwatch, sucking up my battery & data

I don't want to connect, and if I decide to I want to turn it on ONLY when I want to and connect ONLY to devices I want to connect with. I HATE!!!! this feature

@JazzyWan - It should only connect to devices:
- That are logged into your Spotify account
- Connect enabled speakers on the same WiFi network as you.

Are you seeing it connect to other devices?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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@Peter That's not the case it tries to connect to everything on Wifi or Bluetooth

If someone is sitting in the same room with their iPad and iPhone - next to each WHY would one need to control one device with the other? Just reach out your hand push the button. The concept of that is annoying on it's face.

There needs to be a way to disable the feature and not have it constantly trying to connect if you don't want it to

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