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Who Me Too'd this topic

[WP 7.5] WP 7.5.. bluetooth.. crash.. hangs.. no sound

After reading several posts here on the forum i dont know if i should cry or laught.


Just to sign up on the user-bug-irritatedcustomer-list, here is what i´m struggling with:


Btw: Premium user... Nokia Lumia 800


• It takes long time to start the app


• When i am on 3G and streaming, it often goes ofline by itself and takes forever to log on again. It is faster to reboot the phone.


• 6 of 10 times it just wont play anything, if i click on a song in my playlist, the rest of the songs gets "grayed" and the dots are loading at the top of the app, but NOTHING happens. Wifi or 3G, same result. Again -REBOOT phone and it works a couple of times again.


• The app wont turn off??? It lays in the background and drains the battery. There is no way to stop music (only pause) and when you hit the "back button" to homescreen, spoti is still "on". You can see this when you go to lockscreen, -the song shows up in the upper corner as paused. And the batterydrainage shown in diagnostics shows a higher discharge several hours after you have "closed" spotify compared to when you havnt started spotify at all.


• HORRIBLE BLUETOOTH function. Not able to switch song on headset or carstereo, In case of incoming calls, the spotiapp hangs and wont play again. If car is switched off -> on the spotiapp wont play. NO METADATA TO CAR-DISPLAY. (AVRCP) Newer Iphone, Android, Symbian, Blackberry supports it, But nooot a new WP with spotify 2012...??? 😞


• No function to FF/FW. (heeellooo.. is this a music app??)


• No function to download offline playlist (it does not work)


• It often hangs and crashes, i get thrown out to homescreen.


• Often wont switch song when i click "next" on lockscreen OR in the "now plaing" section, the sound disapears and the app "hangs" for a couple of minutes.


I work with customercare in an other business and i get so angry and frustaded when there is no response what-so-ever from a big company like spotify.. YOU (like me) LIVE ON PAYING CUSTOMERS! Wake up and give some input on all of these bugs and problems with your product! Is there anything going on?

Who Me Too'd this topic