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Can't login to my account, but money'll go.

Can't login to my account, but money'll go.

Hello, dear Community,

i've wrote spotify a message three days ago and still don't get a reply - Thatswhy i am trying it here.

I've got an 30-day abbo and the problem is, that i can't login to my account. I do not remember my email oder username. I JUST CAN'T REMEMBER IT!

And my abbo ends on the 3rd of February and i am not in the mood to pay for something i don't even use.

Is there any way i can get my Username? 


(And sorry if i have a bad english, 'cause i am just pupil in a german middle-school.)

21 Replies

Hi, and welcome to the community!


Did you try the online contact form?


If that was the method you used, make sure to reply to the automated response if you get one. If you still don't get a response, let me know your case number (#numbers) and I'll escalate it to the staff for you.


Anthony 🙂

This post was by Taylor - I do not work for Spotify!
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||  Spotify Profile - Taylor   |  Feel free to PM me - Here  ||

Okay, so i should reply the message where they've wrote me my original question? I mean i've got a message what i've wrote.

Yeah just copy and paste your message again in a reply to that email. 😉

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Oh, i thought i shouldn't reply beacuse of the no-reply email adress they've got.



I have already for a year a Premium account and pay montly with creditcard. Since a week I cant play Spotify Premium on my phone, only Spotify Free. But I pay for Premium. Also when I logged out and in then I get the same message. I have already sent this message to the contact page but I dont get any answer. Can anybody help me? Thanks.


Is your account showing as premium on your online overview

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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No, it says that I have a Spotify free account, but in january I have already paid (same as the hole year 2013) for Premium. On my tablet (iPad) I have no problem. On both devices I used the same log in.

When logged into that account which says free, can you see any receipts?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Its says that there is no payment account but I did paid this month. It works on my iPad. I have several times get the app remove from the iPhone en logged in and out.

Definitely sounds like you have more than one account here, the one you are logged into can't be the same one that is premium on your iPad. Double check your details, its amazingly easy to have two accounts one with a Spotify username and another via Facebook.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok, I have 3-4 times exactly the same way logged in on both devices, not via Facebook but on both devices 'logged in with you spotify inlog'.

On the iPad I get Premium but on the iPhone again Spotify free.

Maiby something else: on the iPad the version is, on the iPhone the version is 

No, both versions are the same. I cant see what the different is, only I know that I paid each month and I dont get in on the iPhone since a week.

Hi @user-removed looks like you've set up two accounts with us. One has a Spotify username and the other is linked to your Facebook (this one is on Premium). 


Please get in touch via the contact form so we can help sort these two out for you--thanks!


I have sent the message and receive now a minute ago a automatically reply. Hopely I heard more from you, thanks.

Hi @user-removed Please be sure to reply to that automatic message--you'll hear from the team soon. 

Hi Meredith,


The answer that I today get from the mail is: 'what is the problem?'

I thought that you told them what the problem is, but that is not the way? So now I must told him from beginning what the problem is?


Greetz Pierre

Your collegue answer me right now that he will sent my mail to you. Hopefully there is a solution 😉

Hi @user-removed You'll hear back from the team shortly--thanks!

I'm having the same problem! Let me know if u find a solution

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