
Help Wizard

Step 1


My account has been hijacked and the support has not answered for six(6)!!! Days.

My account has been hijacked and the support has not answered for six(6)!!! Days.

I need help with getting back my account. Get on with it!


Ref no: 01678541


//Original roadkill03

6 Replies

Pretty please! 🙂

With sugar on top!

Escalating this for you. Hope you hear back soon!

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Thanks, to bad I have to go thrugh the community to get some response though. Hopefully other people have better experience with the spotify support. A hijacked account seems to be a pretty serious thing and six days are many hours of missed music time.


//the original roadkill03

Hey @roadkill03_ -- sorry for the slow reply here, but your case is now in the right queue. One of our support team'll be in touch soon.


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Soon eight days. This is really horrible service. Getting really frustrated. Is this the standard response-time? Or was I just unlucky?

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