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Step 1


My account is being reset or something

My account is being reset or something



I have been a Spotify Premium user for a long time now. Never had problems..


Today Spotify asked to log in again, which I do with my Facebook account, and so I did.

After doing this, all my playlists disapeared as well as my Premium account. Furthermore all information about former payments for my Premium account is vanished, it is like my account is being reset.


Can anyone help me with this problem?


Thanks in advance,


6 Replies

When you registered for Spotify, did you have a Spotify username or was your account created via Facebook?


Normally when this happens, you have logged into a duplicate account which can be corrected by logging in with your original username.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thanks Peter for your quick reply.


The account was created via Facebook.

It might have something to do with the fact that I recently dissabled apps in the privacy settings of Facebook (and turned it back on again).


The 'lost my password' function of Spotify also says that the account I'm using is linked to Facebook.

I've taken a look for you and I can see that you have inadvertently created a new account which has overridden access to the old one.

Don't panic! Just get in touch using our online form and one of our advisors will be happy to help fix this for you. If you receive an autoresponse, just send an email directly in reply and someone will be in touch shortly.


For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

Follow me on Spotify.

Thank you for your reply Jamie.


So I filled in the online form and I got an autoresponse. What you are saying is that I should reply on the non-reply email adress to get in touch with one of your advisors?


darn, I'm missing my Spotify playlists already 😉

If you let me know the case # that you were sent, then I'll make sure that your cases reaches the right hands 🙂

For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

Follow me on Spotify.

Case # is 01306664

Thanks in advance!

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