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Why not a family plan?

Why not a family plan?

I have had spotify for a couple of years now.  I love it, however so does my kids-----Not sure why we can't have a family discount for another account----It becomes a problem when I travel, which I do alot of account of my job, I don't even turn on the tv in my motel room. Just listen to music--but then my kids get on my account at home on the computer and POW!! my music stops in the motel room and I get a message saying your account is being used elsewhere.  Its just a great idea because I have two kids and they are music freaks just like me.  Make my son (age 14) and daughter (age 11) happy and at least think about it.

2 Replies

Family subscriptions have been long discussed here on the community:


Spotify say they are looking into it, but that was some time ago! 

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I'm seriously considering leaving Spotify at the moment for exactly this reason.


I have a newborn at home, and he likes to listen to music and stories during the day while I'm at work or commuting. However, Spotify is my only source for music, and that means I can only listen to spotify at home, to avoid turning off his stories or songs while my wife is trying to get him to nap or calm down or what have you.


Without any option for a family plan, I find that I have little reason to continue paying for Spotify, as I can't even use it during the only times I would be using it on my mobile device. It's really annoying.


Anyway, I've said my peace. Please introduce some sort of family plan. I'm quite likely going to cancel my premium membership, as I can't justify being able to afford two full accounts, and I won't pay for an account that I can't effectively make use of.

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