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Marshmallow SD card issues

Marshmallow SD card issues




Am using Sony's Marshmallow (concept) on my Xperia Z3.

Everything works well except spotify.


As others have reported, it is not possible to download to the SD card, even using the usual tips and tricks like reinstalling and clearing cache.

(would love if we could simply choose the download location). I have tried granting all 3 permissions in the phone settings BEFORE starting spotify after a fresh install.


So as a work around to that, I formatted the SD card as internal storage (new marshmallow feature)

That way, it is possible to download to SD card.


However. Spotify regularly "forgets" that I'm logged in. I think it happens every time the phone turns off and on again.

I have to re-log in with my password. And then re-download ALL of my songs (6+GB) after clearing the unlinked ones from the cache.


What is worse, it will then add my phone as a new offline device, so very quickly exceed the limit of 3.

That means I also lose all the offline music on other devices like my laptop.


Spotify does not log me out and lose the offline music if the SD card is formatted as portable

I have checked and made sure to grant spotify the 3 permissions it wants (contacts, phone and storage)



-Perhaps related to the SD card taking a few seconds to become available when the phone starts?

- Something permissions related - like how the app identifies which handset it is running on.


Looks like I'll be limited to using my internal storage until spotify fix this.

Anyone else having similar problems?


3 Replies

I also have this problem. It seems like the Spotify app is a clusterf*** in Marshmallow. Please fix it soon Spotify.

Also on Xperia Z3 with the 6.0 ROM. It doesn't even save the Music on the newly gained internal storage when I format the SD Card as Internal..

I think it's safe to assume that this happens in all Marshmallow devices with a SD Card slot. Also, tested this and this does not occur on all players. Apple Music seems to be handling this OK. Google Play Music is bugged (surprisingly): does not see the extra internal space.

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