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Step 1


Spotify randomly stops playing.

Spotify randomly stops playing.

Nexus 5. Android 4.4


Here's exactly what happens:

- a song ends

- the next song starts playing (progress bar and everything) but you don't hear anything

- just now I was away from my desk for a few minutes and when I came back I heard nothing (left it running) so I unlocked my phone, and saw that it had reached the end of what I assume was the "silent song" (I'll just call it that), and it didn't automatically go to the next song

- sometimes forwarding to the next song or going back to the previous song causes that song to play silent as well, but sometimes this fixes it

- sometimes you have to restart the app

- it will never play by rewinding the song, or by clicking it again in the playlist

- sometimes it happens after 1 song in a certain playlist, sometimes after 3, 10, whatever, seems random


- it happens whether or not the phone is connected to a computer


Plenty of topics with this title, all over the forums, different OSes and devices.


All of these.


An educated guess: ram issue. perhaps there's something failing in memory allocation? garbage collection? I dunno.

2 Replies

Same thing happens to me on mobile. Running android 4.4 on a Nexus 5..

phone android plays before song finish it cuts off all songs plays on phone not pc

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