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Plus sign instead of heart - no longer shows liked songs in other playlists


Plus sign instead of heart - no longer shows liked songs in other playlists

I don't care what symbol Spotify uses for "liked" songs, but when they had the heart it would appear on the right side of songs in any playlist that the song was in. I listen to a lot of new music and I relied on being able to tell which songs I have listened to and liked. Use the checkmark if it makes you happy, but please bring back the ability to see which songs in a playlist you have liked without having to click on the song itself.

4 Replies

Exactly my use for it! I listen to thousands of songs, and often need to go back to albums and rehash them a bit, and now there's no quick way for me to see which songs I've already listened to or liked. Just idiotic.

your words must be heard! I totally agree! in addition, you have to remove the tick from a song that should no longer be your favorite song after you have tapped on the plus sign. just pressing the heart symbol to press a favorite song was so convenient! BRING BACK THE HEART!

I found one possible way. If you automatically download all your playlist with favourite songs, you will have a “downloaded” sign on each song in random playlist when it appeara there. The question is the phone memory thou 🤔

I have fans and friends who will listen to my playlist, but won't add it because they don't understand the + Sign with a head figure. It's the stupidist thing. A heart is so easy to comprehend. A Heart is Lovely... 

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