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[All Platforms] No Ads in Podcasts for Spotify Premium users

I pay for my subscription. Every month for years now. The main reason I am a paid-for subscriber with Spotify is so I don't have to hear ads. As I have shifted my podcast listening from other providers to Spotify to bypass ads, both from the platform as well as integrated into the content.


I expect not to hear ads on Spotify. I understand there are ads woven into the actual content of the podcast itself, but for as big of a company and the amount of leverage Spotify has, I expect to not hear ads so long as I am paying for the service.


I reached out to Spotify and got this lazy, generic answer from Joy in Spotify Customer Support: “if you're hearing ads on podcasts using this Premium account. It's possible that the podcaster integrated that ads to their podcast content”. Thanks for breaking your back on that response.


I KNOW what the ads I’m hearing are. And I understand they can’t ask podcasters to export two versions, one with integrated ads and one without. What I expect from Spotify is to either implement metadata that tags the beginning and ending of ad segments and bypass them for us, Premium subscribers, or require podcasters to give metadata timecodes that Spotify can identify to bypass them AUTOMATICALLY.


Just to be clear, even if these identifiers are put into the content, I don’t want to have to pull my phone out to hit any sort of “skip ads” button. This is literally the ONLY reason users have Premium. So get rid of the ads. It’s actually very simple. And let’s not get started on how archaic it is to continually hit the “15sec forward” button to bypass the ads, first over shooting, then undershooting the duration of the integrated ad, only to have to make peace with hearing the last ten seconds of the ad. At that point it’s not servicing either party in the transaction.


It’s 2020. You are a huge company with a lot of leverage and a huge developer budget. I honestly can’t believe I’m even having to write this suggestion.


tl:dr - Spotify, I am a Premium member. You made a promise to me that if I became a Premium member, I wouldn’t hear ads. I’m hearing ads on podcasts. Integrated or not, I don’t care. You have the technology and power to fix it. So fix it. And make it automatic. It’s 2020.

Updated on 2023-04-15

Hey folks,

The Ideas section provides users with the opportunity to share their opinion on what features and app improvements can be developed, to make Spotify better. This idea however, in it's core fundamentals, requires to change how the Premium subscription works and what opportunities Spotify offers to Podcast creators.


As part of the Premium subscription, all music can be enjoyed ad-free. And while Spotify doesn’t play ads that interrupt the music listening experience of Premium subscribers, some podcasts may include advertising, host-read endorsements, or sponsorship independently of the streaming platforms featuring such podcasts.


Providing a way to circumvent those is not something that our Idea submission process can accomplish.

This doesn't mean that your feedback isn't heard and that this request couldn't be fulfilled by some other means in the future. On the contrary, this is being monitored and we invite everyone to share their opinion in a constructive manner. We will then ensure to pass it on to the relevant teams.


Please do note, that we do understand the overall sentiment and if the thread stops being useful as a source to track constructive feedback, we will need to close it for further replies.


All the best!


My problems with the Ads are localized Ads, that just play the same ad over and over, often back to back! Especially if youre listenting to podcasts thats not that long and the next episode comes up, it starts with the same commercial and ends with the same commercial... "THING THING HELLO THING!:.. THING ... .because THIIIIIIIIIIING...THINGTHING":..HELLO THiNG THING !... etc. " (example to illustrate the repetitiveness of already mediocre commercial, that are really repetetive on their own,) these commercial grinds my patience, like listening to a skipping cd stuck on one word, "heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey" at it gives you that skipping cd to listen to for 4 minutes per episode, and the last ad goes two times in a row, giving you 4 minutes of contineous cd skipping.  Ill glady pay 3-4 dollars more a month to not have to endure that micro noise torture 4 minutes every 30 minutes or so. 


I am a loyal Spotify Premium Subscription podcast listener for the last 3 years. But in June 2023, these same podcasts I have been following opened the floodgates with Automated Ads (streaming ad insertion). 🫤Can't Spotify give podcast listeners less ads with Spotify Premium? I am turning off my paid Premium Subscription after numerous requests to Spotify Customer Service doesn't have the experience to understand that Automated Ads (streaming ad insertion) ruins Podcasts.


Olá, Tudo bem ?

Meu plano é o Familia e ultimamente tenho me deparado com anúncios durante a execução de um Podcast que sou ouvinte. Ao entrar em contato com a equipe de suporte  fui informado que  "O Spotify não inclui nenhum anúncio em nenhum dos Podcasts, pois os Podcast são como programas de rádio, o próprio Artista endossa os serviços e produtos, sobre os quais não teremos controle". 02/08/2023.
Porém um dos anúncios que interrompe o que estou ouvindo diz no Titulo "Publicidade de Spotify".

Ressalto que fiquei confuso, pois na contratação do plano informava, sem anúncios!
E isso realmente incomoda, tendo em vista que o anuncio possui 30 segundos.

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-02 at 13.14.41 (1).jpg

Same thing here mate.


While I really appreciate the offers that the application offers regarding music as I appreciate the Daily, I find the automatic offer of podcasts that contain advertising disturbing, given that premium plans should never include them, so they could be inserted but ad-free. Alternatively, it would be useful to give the user the option to exclude unwanted podcasts from the Daily. In summary, it would be nice to have the ability to choose what you don't want to listen to.


You shouldn't have to listen to ads if your paying for a premium subscription, because why you pay for a premium subscription? Youtube premium don't have this, so how does spotify think it's a smart move to do this, soon after youtube premium started. After every episode of a podcast I get 3 ads. I'm not eben able anymore to swipe from one episode to the episode before (like from #49 to #48) before a ad starts playing and after it  #49 starts from the beginning, everytime. So this feature is completely useless just because of ads.


I don’t understand why I’m paying for no ads, but in the middle of Spotify Original podcasts the track changes to an ad I have to skip over just to get to the next ad, sometimes even a third before I’m returned to the podcast. wth?


I get some creators embed ads and sponsorship messages in the episode itself, but switching “tracks” to a series of ads?


I guess podcasts aren’t considered “music listening” and therefore “ad-free music listening” marketing is technically accurate, but y’all know that’s shady AF.


It's crazy because it's one of the most discussed topics.. should I open a new thread from scratch since this is wrongly marked as solved?



Case in point.


I am listening to a SPOTIFY PODCAST PRODUCTION and I STILL listen to ads. That is outrageous. The podcast is in Portuguese and I am listening to some weird random German ads that interrupt the podcast completely. Absurd!!!!! I pay for a premium account not to be bothered.