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New albums of scam tracks by fake artist who has already had lots removed.


New albums of scam tracks by fake artist who has already had lots removed.

I've just seen the following albums by an artist called Intonation. All the tracks are single repeated loops and all the titles are auto-generated nonsense.


Please can they be removed.



*Appreciate your wanting to report things like this, but let's not give them more attention in a public forum.

Sebasty gave the solution how to report these things.








Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

Hey @JessN


I suggest checking out this article on how to report this, so the right teams can take a look. Make sure you provide the URIs of these incorrect albums in the report. 🙂


Have a nice day!

View solution in original post

9 Replies

I should add that there is a genuine artist called Intonation with albums on Spotify. I don't want them to get messed up by this. Their albums are these:

But the fake Intonation albums show up on their artist page:

Marked as solution

Hey @JessN


I suggest checking out this article on how to report this, so the right teams can take a look. Make sure you provide the URIs of these incorrect albums in the report. 🙂


Have a nice day!

Thanks Sebasty. I'll give that a go.

Seems really scummy!


Hope it gets resolved.

Hello, this is Paul from Jamvana here. This is a brand new account that just signed up with us and over the Holidays we were contacted by Pandora and a few others to let us know about the distributor hopper who has used almost every distributor out there trying to pull this none sense. Furthermore, we’re not the cause for this and we are already in the process of removing all of this content on the platform.

Hey @JessN just wanted to make sure you saw our reply above.

Apologies Paul. Basically there's a lot of people really angry with this guy from when he was still trying to be a rapper this time last year and thought the way to go about it was making hundreds of false copyrights claims against total strangers on SoundCloud so their accounts got deleted. Since almost all your recent YouTube uploads are tracks of his I thought you must be aware something didn't seem right with them. For example the content of these albums here or the highly unlikely artist names and titles. Then there are the Jake Noch tracks using titles of recent big hits like "Taki, Taki", or all the different Jake Noch albums with the same tracks in them.

Anyway I see he is now using Label Engine for his Pineapple Music project .... and that is despite him having at least three registered llc distribution companies of his own which don't appear to do anything.

We totally understand the frustration with guys like this who distributor hop and it's very sad for the industry that there are people out there doing this. He was also able to slide in during our Holiday shutdown and get all the auto-artwork generated YouTube videos live which we are in the process of removing as well.  And we are following up with all the stores to let them know that this has happened to hopefully help stop this activity in the future.

Locking this thread now.

I've edited the original post so we're not giving more attention to something that maybe shouldn't get it.

Sebasty posted the solution, and I think this thread has reached its natural conclusion.

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