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Playlist Radio is based on existing playlists

Playlist Radio is based on existing playlists







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

I often try to find new music im interested in by creating a list with a few songs, and then making a playlist radio based on that. The problem i've been having is that many of the songs on the playlist radio are songs i have already listened to many times before, or i already have in my existing playlist. 

I experimented with a fresh account and made a playlist radio out of the same playlist, and on this new account i only got new songs i had never heard before, which is just what i wanted to happen on my main account.

So it seems my playlist radio is based on alot of my existing playlists or other account information, but i would like the songs to purley be based off the sample songs in the playlist so it has more in common with those, and there are also more new songs to listen to. Is there a way to tweak how much influence the playlist radio is talking from existing playlists/other info, or even turn it completley off? 

1 Reply

Hi @Ouishi,


Thanks for posting in the Spotify Community, and welcome!


The Radio feature includes content based not only on your personal likes, but also those of other users that have liked the source song or playlist.


Unfortunately, at the moment there isn’t a way to de-personalize Playlist Radios or tweak how much influence they take from your personal music library. However, there are currently a couple of Closed Ideas in the Idea Exchange that you may be interested in voting for:


  • This Closed Idea for de-personalizing Radios, such that they wouldn't include songs from your library
  • This Closed Idea for being able to set a “Discovery level” for Radios (as well as Mixes and Autoplay), enabling one to find more unfamiliar music there when set to a higher Discovery level

While the statuses of these ideas are currently “Closed - Not Enough Votes,” they can become active ideas again if they gain sufficient votes.


If either of these ideas are something you’re interested in, I recommend adding your +VOTE to them; the more votes an idea gets, the likelier it is that Spotify will implement it, and you can read more about how feedback on ideas reaches Spotify here.


It will also be useful for you to Subscribe to the idea(s) by clicking the three dots next to their titles; that way, you can be sure to be informed of any relevant updates.


In the meantime, the best thing to do would be to expand your library by liking more songs and following more artists; that way, you'll give the algorithm a push and should start seeing an improvement after a while. Bear in mind that it might take up to a couple of weeks for these changes to take effect. 


Let me know if you have any other questions, and have a good day!

AdamDamSpotify Star
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