Help Wizard

Step 1


Can't play the current song

Can't play the current song






Asus X510UR

Operating System

Ubuntu/Kubuntu 18.04 LTS, dual boot with Win 10


My Question or Issue


I have spotify on my linux computer.

for some reason, I cannot play any song when I'm on linux in my computer. after few seconds of silence I get the error "Can't play the current song"

also, I cannot play any song even when I'm using the web player (Chrome for linux).

also, I am using the same location for saving offline songs both for ubuntu and windows.

On windows, on the other hand, the application is working as usual.

Things I've tried to do:

Uninstalling snap and installing via sudo apt-get install spotify-client.

Playing the beginning of the song on my mobile and then changing to my compuer


this solution

Thank you all

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