
Help Wizard

Step 1


Local files - Spotify can't play this right now. If you have the file on your computer you can impor

Local files - Spotify can't play this right now. If you have the file on your computer you can impor








LG W1 Pro JDGBG Core 2 Duo, updated to 4 Gigs of RAM (very old machine but working)

Operating System

Linux Mint 21.1


I have both a premium account and many CDs. I did some high quality ripping for personal use using EAC to get .mp3s out of my CDs. I think I am legally entitled to play these files since I paid for the CDs, right? There is a number of missing songs in Spotify, that I want to play without having to handle my CDs. Spotify (latest version from Flatpack) lets me add a local source, then adds a playlist full of my local files. But I cannot play, due to error message according to topic title. Is this "ffmpeg"-file update still a solution under Mint 21.1? Or is this a copyright misunderstanding / issue? If ffmpeg-compat-57 is the solution to my problem, then I still do not know HOW exactly to install the currently working version of that strange file? Please help! 


2 Replies

It happens due to a version mismatch between the Flatpak Sandbox and Spotify client. Should be fixed if you update the Flatpak, if the issue still persists follow:

So your idea is to update Flatpak itself? I never did this and have no clue...

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