
Help Wizard

Step 1




The instructions are red and bolded, and the regular light text is just my over view and process. Feel free to read about it or you can just follow the instructions.


I always see people with such cool playlist covers and I never knew how to do it, I really wanted to see if there was a way to do it. For so long I have thought that it was not possible but boy have people proved me wrong. You do NOT have to be a Rockstar to change your cover, though being a Rockstar is beneficial, or that is what I have been told. If you try to register to become a Rockstar, it will say that you cannot be added anymore but there are other ways to become a Rockstar like answering people's questions or whatnot. Changing your cover on the Spotify website will not work nor your phone because it is not available there.


You download the app on your desktop and open Spotify. Log in and do your thing. Pick any playlist you please and hover over the cover. Or in other words, find a playlist you want to customize the cover and put your mouse over the cover, do not click it because you will just be playing music. Next, there should be a pencil in the middle and click on that. A pop-up will show up. First there is a box if you want to change your playlist name. The second box is titled, "Image" and it will have your original image, then on the bottom it will say, "CHOOSE YOUR IMAGE". You want to click that and find any images that you find appropriate for your playlist. I suggest thinking about what pictures you want to download or save before you do all of this because this saves you in the long run. Once you have selected an image from your file, click "open" and then your cover should be changed. On the right side of the pop up, it will say to give a description about your playlist. You do NOT have to do this but it is helpful for other people to know what kind of music they are going to be listening to or just to express how this playlist makes you feel and so on.


I hope this helps you out because once I discovered this option, I felt so happy! If you still have questions, you can write your question below in the comments and I will be sure to help you!! 

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