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Is Spotify down today? July 14, 2018

Is Spotify down today? July 14, 2018







SurfacePro 3

Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

 get error box when click on icon. Never clears up...for many hours so far.




6 Replies

Hey, thanks for reaching out.

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? If that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstallation of the app. Just follow the steps here

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?

I'll see what I can suggest!

I'll try what you said as far as a reinstall, because I already tried a
restart and then a shutdown. I always try one or both when these things
happen, to see if they clear things up, but in this case they had no effect
at all. -Jason

Hey @jmadamik,


Sorry that it didn't help.


Please read this thread for a more advanced guide to clean install Spotify on your PC.

If you can, attach a screenshot of the error message.


Let me know how it goes 🙂

So far, Spotify is a huge disappointment. It worked for two days. Then, it stopped my USB mouse from working on my SurfacePro 3 and wouldn't open at all, giving me the error msg I mentioned in my first note. Trying restart or shut down didn't have any effect. Uninstalling and reinstalling had no effect. The same error window comes up.


I'm Definitely Not going to pay my first payment for Premium but will cancel soon - I can't even use it, so why pay for it. If even the free version is this bad, I surely can't even use Spotify for free. Not worth the frustration, and of course it simply doesn't work.

Screen shot of Spotify error - won't open.PNG

Hey @jmadamik,


Sorry that it didn't help.

Have you installed Spotify on another drive? 

Could you please open another user account on your Surface and try to install Spotify there?


Let me know how it goes 🙂

Hey @jmadamik,


Please also have a look at this guide by Microsoft.


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