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Last playlist not shown when scrollbar overflows

Last playlist not shown when scrollbar overflows







Spotify Windows 11



When the scrollbar showing playlists to the left overflows the last item is not shown even when you scroll to the bottom. To trigger this issue resize the window size. Workaround is to resize the window until scrollbar is shown.

6 Replies

See attached images.


Hi @alipi,


Thank you for posting on the Community!


We weren't able to reproduce this issue, so we can try some troubleshooting steps here.


To start, let us know if you've already tried performing a clean reinstall of the app. This is often an overlooked step, but it’s more thorough than a regular one and can be helpful to get rid of any cache that might be causing trouble. 


Let us know how it goes. 

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Thanks for the reply, I don't see how a clean install would solve this issue and I will not waste time doing that. It seems like a logic rounding error in the UI. Please see this video to easily reproduce the issue 


Just resize the main window until the last item in the list disappears and becomes unavailable. As can be seen in the video at the different windows sizes the last item appears and the disappears.

Hey @alipi,


Thank you for your swift reply. 


We tried to replicate the issue with different devices the same way shown on the video, but on our side everything is working fine. 


In this case, the first thing we need to do is run a clean reinstall to start with a fresh app and free of cache. 


If this doesn't work, could you try accessing your account with a different PC and seeing if the issue persists?


Keep us posted. 

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Sorry, I don't have access to another PC. A clean install makes no sense in this case, I suggest the issue is reported internally and someone on your side can spend some more time trying to reproduce it and fix it.

Hi @alipi,


Thank you for keeping us in the loop.


We haven't been able to reproduce this issue using multiple accounts and devices. And we haven't received any other user reports about this either. 


So, since this is one isolated report please bear with us and help us with the most important troubleshooting step which is running a clean reinstall of the app. 


This will help us greatly to solve the issue or get more insights about it.


Until then. 

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