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Old library to Spotify

Old library to Spotify


Before starting this topic, I apologize if this question has already asked before, and to clarify that I am not talking about importing music from my local files (media player, downloads nor library) to the app. 



Before Spotify, all my music was obtained from different sources like torrents or direct downloads, so when I discovered this lovely app, I just updated myself and started downloading songs and obviously paying my premium plan, now years later, I found my old music in a flash drive, music that I want to listen again but with Spotify, so.

Is there any way to import those files and make Spotify search for the right song, or any third-party service that, by uploading the files and converting into a "playlist" it can find the correct Spotify links?

I ask this because I have around one thousand four hundred files, so I am looking for something automated.

I know it's complicated but, I know that somebody out there has the answer.


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