Help Wizard

Step 1


How to solve the "email is taken" issue?


Sometimes, when trying to update settings (country, birth date etc.) on your Spotify account page, you might get an error message saying "Email is taken." even if you didn't try to update your email address.


If you did try to update your email but you're getting that message, I'd recommend you try following the "Another account is using my email address" section of this support article.


However, sometimes you might get this message even if you didn't try to update your email address. This issue happens because a few years ago it was possible to create more than one account with the same email address, so if you have two accounts with the same email address, you won't be able to change it back because there would still be an account with that email address.


To solve this issue, you can change the email address to a different one. However, if you'd like to change the email address back to the desired one, I'd recommend you try to do a password reset with the "taken" email address that you don't use and close any account that might pop up. That should enable you to change the email address back to the desired one. It's important to check the account you're closing is not the one you currently use.


This should help clear things up! However, if you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask other users in the help boards.