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Spotify Jam sessions



Hey folks, Group Session has been replaced by Jams. You can read more about it in the article below or by heading to this post.

What is a Spotify Jam session?

A Jam is a fun way for users to create a shared listening experience with their friends and loved ones.

Whether you are a free or Premium user, you can join a Jam with your friends using a link, QR Code, playing on the same speaker, or tapping phones.

Start a Jam straight in your playlist by accessing its menu in the three-dot, or on the speaker icon (Premium-only). Everyone in the Jam can play, pause, skip, change the volume, and add songs. 

How to use Jam?

Jam combines the group session experiences you might have used in the Spotify app. You can use Jam to listen together, no matter if you are listening in the same room or apart.

You can use Jam via Bluetooth, AirPlay, or WiFi speakers such as Sonos, Bose, Google, or Amazon.

Start a Jam session

In a Jam session, everyone invited – no matter where they are – can control what plays.

As the host you can, however, turn off “Guest controls” so only you can change the volume and what’s playing. When you toggle Let others change what's playing off, guests will only be able to add songs to the Jam.

On Desktop:

  1.  Tap Maria_0-1712853569807.png or right click on a track or playlist.
  2. Tap Start a Jam.
  3. Tap Invite. Here you can share a QR code, or tap Share link and send it to your friends.

On Mobile:

  1. Tap Maria_1-1712853569797.png from the device you’re playing on. Or tap Maria_0-1712853569807.png from your favorite public playlist.
  2. Tap Start a Jam.
  3. Tap Invite. Here you can share a QR code, or tap Share link and send it to your friends. You can also tap your phones together to get them to join the Jam if you’re logged in to Spotify and your Bluetooth is turned on.

Tip: Spotify will automatically start a Jam when you are connecting to a smart speaker or most Bluetooth speakers. Users on the same WiFi will receive an invitation to your Jam. If both you and others have Bluetooth permissions enabled, others will receive an invitation to your Jam by tapping your phone.

 You can change the settings for this in the Connect Picker:

  1. Tap Maria_1-1712853569797.png.
  2. Switch Others can start or join a Jam on this speaker on.

To invite more friends to the Jam later on:



  1. Tap the Jam.
  2. Click Invite.


  1. Tap the current device you’re listening on.
  2. Tap Invite.

After clicking Invite, you can share a QR code, or tap Share link and send it to your friends.

You can also tap your phones together to get them to join the Jam if you’re logged in to Spotify and your Bluetooth is turned on.

Friends in the same WiFi network will be invited to join the Jam without needing a host’s invitation.

Join or end a Jam session

To join:

  1. Tap on the invitation link sent to you by your friend, or scan the QR code, or tap your phones together (if you’re logged in on Spotify and your Bluetooth is turned on).
  2. Choose between listening to tracks remotely or in-person. Note: Premium is required to join remotely.
  3. Tap Join.

Once you’ve joined, you can add songs to the shared play queue. You can either add tracks right away, or get started with Spotify recommendations that let you know if others in the Jam like those songs.


To leave or end a session:

  1. Tap the current device you’re listening on.
  2. Select a different device to play on in the available devices list. Or, tap Leave.

Keep in mind that if the host leaves, it’ll end the Jam for everyone.


Good to know about Jam:


Can you listen to anything or is there a restriction on what is available?
You can listen to all Spotify content that is available for everyone in their geographical locations.

Can I listen on my own speaker?
Yes, when in a remote Jam session, you can still enjoy listening to your Spotify audio on your speakers, just like you would normally do. Make sure to choose the option to listen remotely when accepting the invite from the Jam host.


What to do if something isn't working as expected?
Check that you have the minimum version of Spotify required to use Jam:

  • Mobile: 8.8.68
  • Desktop: 1.2.32

If ​​you’re unable to host a Jam, make sure you have an active Premium subscription.

If you’re unable to join a Jam, check if you’ve accepted the invitation from the host of the Jam.

Should you be unable to control the speaker volume in a Jam, make sure that your speaker supports shared volume control and that the host has enabled shared volume control in the Jam.