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[Music] Local FLAC Playback

A member of spotify team said to separate the FLAC idea post, into FLAC local playback and FLAC streaming. Someone else can create a FLAC streaming post, as I'm only after local playback. The original post with the 2 ideas in one post is here.

Vote for this post if you want LOCAL PLAYBACK OF FLAC FILES ONLY.


Spotify already plays ALAC, all be it with stability problems, but what we really need is local FLAC playback because FLAC is the defacto standard for lossless audio encoding. 7digital has recently started selling FLAC yet spotify can't play them. Why not???


The most commercially successful band on the planet (The Beatles), have released official remastered versions of all albums in 24bitFLAC format on a usb device.

Numerous bands have sold albums in FLAC format through their websites. FLAC is the defacto standard for lossless encoding, so please start supporting local playback of FLAC.


Another idea that is important to me is fixing the appalling "set the same volume level for all tracks", which doesn't take into account the subtle volume transients of an album that audio engineers spend hours working on. The following volume normalization method retains the intended volume differences as part of the album.

Updated on 2022-07-19

Hi everyone,


Thanks for coming to the Ideas Exchange and sharing your feedback.


We're happy to inform you that this is now possible, so you can enjoy your local FLAC files through Spotify! Make sure to add them to Your Library, if you haven't already.


Thanks again for making Spotify better!



This is a duplicate idea 😞


Hi Liam, the post you are refering to was marked by a member of spotify team with the following information (see below and read the bit in bold). All I have done is separate the ideas.


Status: Not right now


Hello folks, I just changed this idea status to "Not right now".


In the first place, we would really appreciate if you could separate these two ideas one from the other, since you are requesting two different things in here. It is a better way for your idea to get more kudos, and for us to update them properly :smileyhappy:


Regarding you request:


1. Lossless streaming. You are right, it would mean a considerable increase in bandwidth use throughout the service, it isn't likely in the near future. In the long run, when network bandwidths increase, this is likely to become a possibility.


2. Playback of your own flac that is on your computer. This would be easier to implement, as it only requires development of the app itself, and wouldn't have any effect on the Spotify service itself.

At the moment, flac is still a relatively uncommon format. If you would like support, please show your support for this thread.


We really appreciate your contribution here, you all make the Spotify experience a great one. :smileyhappy:




Truth is told there, however the OP should have been the one to make the new post 😉


If I had the power, and was a bit nastier, I would mark this as a duplicate idea 😉


lol why would it matter who separates it. As long as it gets done! : ) someone else needs to create the FLAC STREAMING one though, coz I got stuff to do.

Status changed to: Not Right Now


Hello there, this is not a duplicate idea since we actually asked for separating the original one in two different ideas.


I´ve changed this idea status to: "Not right now". As we already specified on the other thread:


"Playback of your own flac that is on your computer. This would be easier to implement, as it only requires development of the app itself, and wouldn't have any effect on the Spotify service itself. At the moment, flac is still a relatively uncommon format. If you would like support, please show your support for this thread."


Thank you all for your contribution. We are here and listening. 😉


Please add FLAC support for local playback. I realize this means no streaming. I just want to be able to play my FLAC audio files locally using the Spotify software. Thank you.



You need to hit the + button under the Kodos bit (to the left of the idea title) to vote for this idea. Spotify will only implement if the numbers are high.


I would love to be able to play my FLAC collection in the Spotify player. Would be nice to not have to use a second player (foobar/winamp) to play local FLAC files.


Able to playback local/shared-storage flac files would be great. Imagine having only one player for your favourite music.


I think that streaming lossless files over Spotify is a waste of bandwidth and would affect the experience.


However downloading lossless files of the songs (FLAC) from Spotify and playing your own local lossless files seems valid and I fully support that.


I am always switching between Foobar2000 and Spotify because I can only play my FLAC rips on one but not the other.